Reading and exercise together
I am curious about others' experience with reading a technical book while exercising. For example, which exercises, with or without a home gym, are best suited for reading a book.
More importantly, does this multi-tasking work?
I find that I don't get a good workout when I read. I just don't pay enough attention to pushing myself hard enough to get anything out of it.
[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]
Quote: Original post by SeymourClearly
What about using an audio book and listening instead of reading?
Audio books are great to exercise to. Unfortunately, there aren't many in the engineering isle.
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
True, and that's to do with the subject (or our lacking ability to visualise ideas, mathematical or otherwise, whilst listening) I guess. Something on smaller chunks of a subject would be good. Podcasts spring to mind, but I've not had much luck finding many relating to maths or programming.
I don't know what you're doing, but if you're able to read a book while doing it, it's not called exercise. Exercise is supposed to get you out of breath and sweaty.
while (tired) DrinkCoffee();
I tried and did not have great success. Just wondered if that's the way humans are designed or perhaps can be trained to multi-task.
Perhaps projecting an ebook onto a large screen is better, akin to watching TV. The large text size will relieve my eyes from squinting and allow greater bodily motions.
My motivation is:
-more prepared in case I get laid off
-not falling asleep
-I am afraid of basketball since I overused and hurt my knee.
Perhaps projecting an ebook onto a large screen is better, akin to watching TV. The large text size will relieve my eyes from squinting and allow greater bodily motions.
My motivation is:
-more prepared in case I get laid off
-not falling asleep
-I am afraid of basketball since I overused and hurt my knee.
I have tried reading while exercising on various machines. I can accomplish it only on a stationary bike, and even then it can take a while before you train your legs to keep up a consistent pace.
No audio books on science maybe, but you can probably find interesting lectures in MP3.
Quote: Original post by capn_midnight
I find that I don't get a good workout when I read. I just don't pay enough attention to pushing myself hard enough to get anything out of it.
I used to read books while practising on piano. Of course, not when learning something very new, but rather when solidifying something i know.
I also can read aloud just fine while juggling, despite the fact that juggling requires visual feedback (unlike piano practice). I go out to exercise, so I'm not reading while exercising.
Naturally, you should be able to do various stuff (such as watching your opponent and ball in football and estimating where to kick it) while pushing yourself hard.
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