
First Demo Reel - Looking for Feedback

Started by April 18, 2009 01:08 PM
4 comments, last by nsmadsen 15 years, 10 months ago
So I had enough stuff for me to make a demo reel; and here it is: Demo Reel Please post your comments and let me know of any improvements that could be made. I do feel that the music seems quite amateurish but I'm hoping this will change with more practice. Also, I tried to keep a balance between the upbeat/action and slower ambient tracks but I fear this may have made the demo reel a bit too long (its just over 5 minutes). Any feedback is welcome. Cheers, Chaz.
Matthew Chastney - Composer & Sound Designer
been listening to quite a few demos from pros and amateurs to get in perspective, yours is pretty much ok-and i say it like this, not to discourge you, i listened to it briefly and what captured me the most is in about 3:49 which sounded like you can really make music there, it had what it takes-and i think all your stuff should have the same mass, even though they all show control in composing and creating atmosphere...well maybe i yam too much, thats about what i wanted to say. good luck to you
That is not discouraging at all, thanks for listening.
Matthew Chastney - Composer & Sound Designer
Hey Chaz,

You have some nice variety! There is some good writing here. I would cross fade a bit instead of going to silence each time. Silence breaks up the flow too much. A bit of crossing over is fine.

What I really liked about your demo is the variety in instrumentation as well as emotion. You have pieces that just groove, others that give off a sincere emotion and others that are driving and intense.

A few times I felt the samples could be better, but that's a constant battle. :) We all want better samples it's just a matter of CPU power and budget. Some of the pieces felt a bit too short. Like you could expand on them a bit more and give the listener a bit more to chew on.

Why are you using BOX? Instead you need to make a website unique to you. This will help you make a strong impression with clients. BOX (and other services like it) are fine for supplemental support but they shouldn't be your only website.

I really like your music and the touch you put on it.

Thanks for sharing!


Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX


Thanks for your comments, I understand your point about cross-fading and I'll have to change it sometime as well as extend some the pieces in length.

Indeed there is the matter of cpu power and budget, I have just started out doing this so I don't have much software available to me. This is also the reason I haven't got my own personal website yet; I have been unsure if I am actually at the stage where I would require one, I'll definitely look into it now though.

Matthew Chastney - Composer & Sound Designer
Well for your first venture into this, I can definitely see both talent and potential here! Keep it up! (If you're a student or teacher, check out the academic versions of software out there. Can save you some $$$!)



Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

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