Seeking interview with a graphics artist for a college studies class
Hi, I am student at the University of Tennessee and just lurked around here up until now. I have flirted with making games for a long time, predominately with Game Maker, but mostly think of it as a hobby these days. However, lately I have become rather engrossed in modeling in Blender and illustration. To the point, I have an assignment in a college studies class for which I must interview 3 people within a field I am interested in entering. The only criteria are that the individuals must actually make income from their position and that my professor can verify my communications with this person instead of just filling in the questions myself. I would tremendously appreciate anyone taking their valuable time to answer these questions or perhaps pointing me in the direction of someone who might be interested in doing so.
1. How did you decide upon this occupation?
2. Did you have other jobs before this position?
3. What is your education background?
4. What training and skills are necessary for a career in this area?
5. How long have you been in your current position?
6. What are your major responsibilities on the job?
7. Do you supervise other people?
8. What is your typical day like?
9. What is the average length of your work week?
10. What is your salary ( doesnt have to be a direct quote if thats uncomfortable) ?
11. If you had to do it all over would you go into another career?
12. Can you recommend someone else whom I could speak to in this field?
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