

Started by November 14, 1999 08:43 PM
1 comment, last by mdavis 25 years, 3 months ago
Umm, there is a thread going on right in this forum called "lackey needed" i think that has an engine.

However, I would not recommend dropping ClanLib. ClanLib USES DirectX, so if you are having trouble with ClanLib you will have even more trouble with DirectX directly, plus you will be losing out on portability.

- Splat


Does anyone have an isometric engine w/ source using DirectDraw? I was making a tile engine using ClanLib, but I had a change of mind and decided it would be best to use dDraw.

Michael Davis
No, I was having no problem with ClanLib. It's probally one of the easiest GPI's I've come across.

Michael Davis

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