Original post by Iron Chef Carnage
Guided, short-term, mundane quests are an easy way to direct players toward a high-yield, "productive" play style while providing a steady stream of victories for them to achieve.
This is a good point. I quit WoW for a long time because of various reasons, and started back again after my friend told me about a mod called "Quest Helper" that basically tells you exactly where you need to go for nearly all quests in the game. I had been spoiled by Warhammer Online which tells you a general area in which you need to go to complete the quest, and thinking about having to do several quests in a row and figure out where to go and the most efficient way to complete them with a vague idea of where to go, so you end up wasting time wandering around the same place for hours. Don't get me wrong, I like exploring, but only to a certain point. WoW became fun again with Quest Helper because it made longer quests into what you described - short-term mundane quests that I could move through.
However, I'm level 67 now and everything has slowed to a crawl though, so I think the OP has a valid point, I did 3 quests in a row to kill 30 monsters each. Thats 90 monsters. I only got like 1.5 bars of XP (20 per level for those of you that don't play) for those, and then guess what...I got another 3 quests for killing 30 other different types! That's just completely ridiculous. It's no longer a "fun game" at this point, its a technique to extend the length that you play in order to get more money. All I want to do is PVP and get epic pvp gear, which I thought I could do at 60, then thought I could do at 70, but now it seems like I'll have to get 80 because they keep changing the battleground level brackets to stragetically force me to pay more money to waste time grinding out levels.
You'd have to seriously restructure the levelling idea in order to make a non-grinding system viable. The grind is like building a brick wall: Sure, it's a monotonous, repetitive task, but every time you step back, it's a little higher, a little better. That's enough to keep people playing, and paying for MMO subscriptions.
As I just mentioned, there are limitations here. I think the users need better expectation from their game companies, cause this grinding crap is getting ridiculous. But hey, if we're paying them, and they're keeping clients, why would they change their design?
I feel like theres a few levels of grinding in MMOs; theres like fun grinding, where your making your way through mobs and quests and its evolving and changing, this is early to mid stages of the game, and then you have your "gaaaah theyre just squeezing money out of me" grinding, where your like 2/3 of the way through and you just want to reach that goal of level X or certain gear or to get to that cool instance or whatever, and you have to kill 90 critters to do 3 quests that gets you 5% into your next level. It starts to feel like the amount of work you put in isn't giving enough short term rewards.
In fact, you could probably make an entire fun video game out of some WoW quests that take ten minutes to complete. What's that? Kill nine Crimson Legion Captains? Heck, Altair spent the entire Assassin's Creed game killing nine dudes.
Ha, amusing observation.
Also, don't get me wrong, I think WoW did a lot of things right and they have an amazing creative team. It's one of the better MMO's out there...but its not as perfect as some people think.