
G'day from your new moderator

Started by June 29, 2001 02:26 AM
7 comments, last by Andrew Russell 23 years, 6 months ago
G''day, people. Because of the recent changes, I am now the moderator of this forum (Sound and Music). Some of you may know me from the Lounge. I am sure that both regualars of this forum and others might want to know a bit more about me, so... Non sound related: I am 15, in year 11 at high school in Australia. I have been programing (not including good ol'' BASIC ) for about 2 years now, I know C/C++, OpenGL plus a few others. I am very into digital art as well. Sound related: I have been playing the piano for about 10 years now, and I can kind of play the guitar. I have made quite a few profesinal quality songs using my computer and MIDI piano. My favorite music style is Dream. Also, I am on the technical crew at high school, and I have also done work experience at the School of Audio Engineering. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the forum. - Andrew Russell ANDREW RUSSELL STUDIOS
j0 andrew!
Technical Crew, um sounds fun I''ve always wanted to be able to put together and take apart a computer, network or whatever... Just wish my school offered a tech class. The most computer oriented my school gets it Visual Basic, C++ and A++, but that''s better than some others school in my county...

You play guitar is it a four or six stringer?
--------------------------I shall thrash his bloody head in, cut it from upon his shoulders, and as his blood flows effortlessly down my blade, I shall taste it's sweetness. Blade Runner’s Entertainment Nothing much right now...
Well, this is way off topic for the forum, so I''m gonna use my roving moderator capabilities and close this thread.... only joking
In the words of nes8it, "gah!".

Heh, I never knew you were only 15. And you''re in grade 11? Gah!
No, that was Realman11 or someone.
If that is true, I am very sorry, I will delete the post now. Sorry, I just remember one guy that constantly posted the same question over and over. Sorry again, deepest apologies.
quote: Original post by Blade Runner
Technical Crew, um sounds fun I've always wanted to be able to put together and take apart a computer, network or whatever... Just wish my school offered a tech class. The most computer oriented my school gets it Visual Basic, C++ and A++, but that's better than some others school in my county...

You play guitar is it a four or six stringer?

Well, actualy, the Tech Crew works on things like the school musical, with sound and lighting. It is extra-curricular. My school does VB and Delphi only I didn't take computers for senior.

Also, it is a 6 stringer. I can only really play one song properly (Wonderwall, Oasis)

Anyway, I notice that there is only a few articals about Music and Sound on here. Anyway, if I were to write an artical on Music or Sound, what would you people be intrested in?

Kylotan: , your off topic, mate, I am going to have to apply to have your IP banned
Moe: SH did "gaah" and then I believe it was (probably) DM139 who changed it to "gah" to be annoying.
MattD: j0 MattD!

[edit](+ some changes)
I just made some of my stuff available here.[/edit]

Edited by - Andrew Russell on June 30, 2001 9:27:45 AM
Oh, I thought it had something to do with computers since you put the word tech on there. Nice your 15 in the 11th I''m 16 in the 12th.

It’s cool that you know a song, at least one I don''t know any. Carlos Santana was the person that brought me like guitars a little more.

This is just an idea not really exciting, but a lot of people come in to this forum asking about what software to use for this or that may be you could compile a list of programs, and give a brief summary about what formats to use them for or something. Just an idea... :\

Ah, block style.
--------------------------I shall thrash his bloody head in, cut it from upon his shoulders, and as his blood flows effortlessly down my blade, I shall taste it's sweetness. Blade Runner’s Entertainment Nothing much right now...

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