
Making games on old consoles.

Started by March 09, 2009 09:27 PM
4 comments, last by HugoSmits 15 years, 11 months ago
I know this might seem like an odd one, but what would the general thoughts be for developers/hobbyists wanting to make games on consoles such as the old Atari 2600 or the NES? These consoles are very old. Several such games exist and sold in cartridge form.
- Sivak
I think, it will be better to work on PS2 games, with its open-source core =)
I am sorry for my poor English

Your game looks great ! What language and libs did you use ?

Sorry for not answering your question :) Do you want to go as far as producing a physical cartidge for those consoles ?

Yes... your game does look good! I think it's a great idea to develop for console games. Atari, ColecoVision, etc. I would be curious to find out what the market for such cartridges since I am sure so many people have an old atari 2600 collecting dust in their garage or attic.
Last Half of Darkness Developer
Original post by SriLumpa
Do you want to go as far as producing a physical cartidge for those consoles ?

Well, thanks for the comments on the game demo video, even though that's my signature. :P

Yes, real carts will come when all is done. That has already been done for me and several authors. Retrousb has NES games, although most titles are simple games. Generally they appeal to enthusiasts for the system, but anyone is welcome to buy. :)

But back on topic...

My main concern is if anyone had any opinion on if they think Nintendo would care about releasing something on their 23 year old system. The circuit board uses standard EPROMs and 6502 assembly isn't exactly forbidden to use. The following behind purchasing this would likely not be huge anyway.
- Sivak
I don’t think Nintendo cares. I’m not a lawyer or anything, just a game developer. But the reason I think this because :

A few years back the GameBoy Advance homebrew scene was pretty big. There was this really big website which pretty much
featured all things new related to gba homebrew;

With over 5 million visitors it was basically the place to check for anything related to gba development.
So much, that even real companies posted job openings and stuff on the main page.

So it’s hard for me to think people from Nintendo never looked at it.

Anyway, the website hosted compos every now and then. Including the 2004Mbit compo, which had as main price getting your
homebrew game on a real cartridge (including box and manual) :

And as far as I know they never got into any trouble with Nintendo about this.

So my conclusion :
If Nintendo didn’t care about this stuff on a console that was still holding a big place in the market,
then they sure don’t care about a console that they declared ‘death’ for years.

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