
Writing for Games - The Need for Writers

Started by March 09, 2009 11:59 AM
3 comments, last by Ghostknight 15 years, 9 months ago
Hello, all. I didn't see a place to post an introduction, so I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum. I'll combine it with a question I have to make the post relevant. I'm a college student who attends school in Vermont. My school offers a degree in electronic game design, and I've lived with/dated/worked with the student designers here for four years, now. In the process, I've learned quite a bit about the methods used to develop a game, from a concept document to a finished product. The way it all works is fascinating to me. That said, I do not have many typical game design skills. I cannot program, though I am familiar with programming logic. I do not draw (or render computer graphics), and I do not have the business background that would make me a suitable candidate for a job as a producer. Despite this, I am interested in making my way into the industry. I do have a skillset that I think could be useful; I write well, and I am interested in all forms of game writing. From my initial research, it seems that writers have a hand in several areas of game development, ranging from game scripts to source information, as well as the technical writing involved in a design document or instruction manual. I'm confident that I can write well in each of these ways, and thought I should ask a community of developers for their opinion on game writers. How often are staff members brought on to projects for the sole purpose of writing? The game script and narrative, technical documents, character/world bibles and other documents must amount to a large pile of work. Is it reasonable to expect that writers would be hired to handle these tasks, when they might normally be written by the programmers or designers themselves? Thank you for your thoughtful answers in advance. I intend to learn as much as I can about this topic in the meanwhile.
Programmers and designer generally dosn't have the technical skill of writers and almost all games developers have one if not several writers on the team.
There is definitely a need for writers in the games industry. I myself am trying my hand at writing the plot lines and character bio's for some of my own game ideas, and am finding it quite the struggle! I'm more of an idea's man and am not too good at getting the ideas into a usable shape, so to speak. Writers are an essential tool in the designing process and if you can write as good as you say, then you would find it easy to make it into the industry.

Also if you want you can practice your skills by helping me out, send us a PM ;)
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Quote: Original post by czap1221
I do have a skillset that I think could be useful; I write well, and I am interested in all forms of game writing.

And do you have a writing degree? Do you have professional film, TV, or comic book credits?
Quote: How often are staff members brought on to projects for the sole purpose of writing?

Whenever a project is in need of excellent writing that can't be done by existing staffers. By the way, the writer is usually not brought on as a full-time employee, unless the project is an MMO or an ongoing series. Read FAQ 32 at
Quote: Is it reasonable to expect that writers would be hired to handle [The game script and narrative, technical documents, character/world bibles and other documents], when they might normally be written by the programmers or designers themselves?

Sure, it's a reasonable expectation for you to have, but the fact is that it doesn't usually work that way for all of those things. The only thing an outside professional writer is usually brought in for is the voice-over dialogue.

-- Tom Sloper --

Warning! Lengthy message. (Looking for writers for survival horror board game.)

Hello group,

I am looking for writers for my survival horror board game. Its based on my own experiences of the paranormal and the love of horror movies based on George Romero's Night of the Living Dead Franchise and Resident Evil Franchise. The world map is nearly completed. The monsters need to be refined but area also nearly completed. This goes as well for the sub-bosses and bosses of the storyline. The map contains 9 city districts with a train system that runs through and around the city island.

In the middle of the world map is a large mountain that contains its own inhabitants. There is a subway area in the new city, There is even a running sewer system setup that flows through the cities themselves. There are also tons of hidden tunnels through out the mountain locale as well. Known cemeteries and forgotten cemeteries lay throught out the city island as well. Forteen players can play at the same time. In the storyline real time weather is in effect as well. Just as in real life there will be a night and day system. I will tell you more information about this if your interested in helping out.

400 + real world weapons, armor, items, accessories have been included. All researched by me from the gun and ammo magazines and other books for the storyline.

You can choose from 100 different occupational characters from the storyline or create your own. 40 to 50 real world vehicles can be driven in the game as well.

The trouble is that with all of the characters in the storyline will intertwine withe eachother. I have about 4 to 6 characters that have met up just in the beginning. But for the rest it gets harder trying to get through the entire list of characters.

The game idea has been in the works since 2000. Its just been me so as you can see its a long road until the game is ever completed.

teh die system is based on the 20d system. The 30 sided die is for the days in the months.

It looks alot to think about but i would like to get some help in the character writing area. As I have told everyone who has wanted to help in the storyline in the past, I do not have the time to steal from the writer's ideas and or suggestions or concepts. But I will give the writer's suggestions, ideas, and concepts on what and where the storyline is going. There will be a group meeting in email or yahoo messenger about the character storyline.

Thank you for reading this lengthy message.

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