

Started by September 24, 1999 05:12 PM
2 comments, last by 25 years, 5 months ago
Most players, I think, will point the camera "North" and leave it the hell alone so they don't get confused when moving their units around.

Full 3D camera movement in an RTS game falls into the "Overkill" category. It mostly looks good in screen shots and in "spectator" modes. When you're trying to command & conquer, you don't want the viewpoint changing on you or forcing you to remember which way is "forward" and "backward."

At least, that's my take on the question.

Samu Games

I tend to agree, unless your environment is so complex that you absolutely have to be able to rotate the camera to get a clear view. But if that's the case, then maybe you should consider simplifying things a bit...

(If you ask me what's good for marketing though, it's a different matter all together )


im creating an rts in - yes - full 3d.

what im still working on is the camera handling. i've got a standard overhead camera (with a little bit of inertia and rotation ability added for effect), but obviously i'll need something more in a 3d world...

what do you guys suggest? what camera-features would you like to see?


OK. I now have an overhead cam that's operated by the numerical keypad.

8 move north, 7 northwest, 4 west, etc. the big plus and big return key move upward and downward, respectively.

When the big 0 key is down. the camera goes into a rotation mode. 8 and 2 rotate up and down while 4 and 6 rotate left and right. the rotation axi (axises?) are independent of viewing angle.

Its kinda neat.

What makes a 3d rts so cool is being able to have units under bridges and natural overpasses, and truely be hidden. What makes rotation and vertical movment so necessary in a 3d rts is being able to position your men in those spots, or to see units that are hiding in them.

Does anyone know how Dark Reign 2's camera works?

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