
How will the world react on...

Started by February 27, 2009 09:42 AM
14 comments, last by MSW 16 years ago
If I follow my theory there will be at least a milion infected in a week, maybe even 2 milion. So probably that will cut off the helicopters supplylines. That means the helicopters get less fuel... so you will hardly see any helicopters after that time.
And if there are no helicopters or (commercial) airplanes flying to other continents or islands, there will be a big part of the world that will have become unreachable for zombies. For example, take Greenland. If there's an outbreak in Europe, and after 2 days the airports are closed, Greenland might have become unreachable if there's 1 flight every 4 days (for example) to Greenland on normal weeks. (Assuming that zombies are stupid and 'brain dead' and can't fly a plane, and assuming that it takes a few hours to become a zombie after you've been bitten).

If it only takes seconds to become a zombie after you've been bitten, there's no way you can get on a plane and go to another country: you'll probably just bite the pilot since you can't think or control yourself.

And the world is big. If zombies can't fly a plane or drive a car, it will take years to get to the other side of the continent, IF they already know where they want to go. If zombies are stupid, brain dead creatures, they'll just wander around without a goal, and you can easily drive to another city 100 km away. If a zombie (accidentally) discovers this new city, kill it: zombies CANNOT communicate with each other: they're brain dead: they can't say to each other what they want to do, they can't tell the other zombies that there are still some humans in another city.

My main point is: if zombies are brain dead, they can't communicate, so they can't tell other zombies where you are, so they won't attack with hundreds at the same time. If zombies eat human flesh, they'll eat other zombies or they'll starve. After that, the remaining, uninfected 99.9% of the world population (200 000/6 billion) can just continue with their daily lives.
What would make your zombie virus outbrake any different than any other virus outbreak? Why would it make the police/army whatever react any different than to any other outbreak situation? That is: try to isolate the affected people and stop the virus from spreading.
The only thing I can think off here is that your zombie virus would be a lot less of a problem than a virus that people run around with for days before it becomes apparent that they are infected. It would be extremely hard for such a virus to spread. Even if it would take several days before the area of the outbreak could be seeld off how could the virus spread over country borders or even to a different continent? With all those security stuff going on at regular flights today I would imagin it to be quite hard for a braindead zombie to get a flight.
Original post by sebbit
What would make your zombie virus outbrake any different than any other virus outbreak? Why would it make the police/army whatever react any different than to any other outbreak situation? That is: try to isolate the affected people and stop the virus from spreading.
The only thing I can think off here is that your zombie virus would be a lot less of a problem than a virus that people run around with for days before it becomes apparent that they are infected. It would be extremely hard for such a virus to spread. Even if it would take several days before the area of the outbreak could be seeld off how could the virus spread over country borders or even to a different continent? With all those security stuff going on at regular flights today I would imagin it to be quite hard for a braindead zombie to get a flight.

Have you seen the state of the airport system these days, i think a braindead zombie would just fit right in.
As for spreading, animals might be carriers, eating the flesh of the dead and then moving on to other places, contaminating them.
I have to agree with that the longer the incubation time of the virus, the harder it is to control its movements. It is kinda like Captain Trips in Stephen King's The Stand, everyone just thought it was the flu virus, then practically overnight the majority of the world died
Original post by Prefect
The virus of 28 Days Later manifested itself within seconds. A virus like this has no chance of wiping out mankind because it will never spread far. Since carriers are easy to identify

I think the virus in 28 Days Later was thought to have been a terrorist attack and it is not clear if it went beyond the UK.

The main problem with it was that people was unable to kill the infected as they were related people (friends, family, kids), people didn't know the nature of the infection (or if it could be treated) and as in I am Legend it gave super-human strenght to the infected. If it were a world-wide organized attack, it could very well turn things up down. Specially if animals can also get infected.

Anyway, the whole Zombie plot in both movies is actually a parabole for human bound hatred/evilness.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Yeah, in 28 days later animals could get infected so they might be the carriers. Birds can travel huge distances. Pigeons can fly up to 100km/h (about 60miles/hour). Of course they ain't flying at that speed all the time. But if they do 20,000/100=200/24=8,3333. That means it will probably take about 1,5 weeks before it reaches the other side of the planet. And then I'm not even mentioning animals getting accidentaly stuck on planes or ships.

In 28 days it indeed takes seconds for the virus to become appearend. In the scene where Frank gets infected you can see this very good. For some reason I can't find a YouTube video of it but it takes the virus about 30 seconds to become appearend.

As said in this topic, something I though myself when watching 28 days later was: "why don't the zombies kill each others if the virus makes them so agressive?". This is probably you something you'll have to ignore in orde to be able to make a film or a game about it...
28 days later is far from scientificly accurite.

If the bodies immune system has no defense against the rage virus, and it is injected dierectly into your bloodstream it would take about 5 minutes for the first signs of infection to manifest themselves.

If the virus is carried through absorbtion of the skin through contact with infected could take hours before the virus reaches the brain.

If the virus is to flood the body with a constant supply of adrenaline. Then sure this can boost strength and speed, but it also shuts down the digestive system and even the immune system. This results in toxins from the digestive system seeping into the blood stream that doesn't have much power to fight back. End result is the infected could die off within a few days to at most a week or two...assumeing they don't have a brain aneurysm first, or aphyxiate themselves trying to eat. Our bodies, and animal life, just arn't ment to be flooded with adrenaline for long periods of time.

As for why the infected arn't attacking each other...there is the "shit your pants" side effect of adrenaline, where the body attempts to purge waste in an effort to forstall toxins seeping into the bloodstream from a digestive system that is being shut down. The smell of this may trigger indication that another infected is around and not to be messed with.

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