

Started by February 24, 2009 07:59 PM
8 comments, last by Wai 14 years, 10 months ago
Here is that story I have been thinking about writing but haven't had the resources to be able to write since the dawn of time, summarized for your flaming pleasure. The Set-up: Pre-Episodic storyline. It's the beginning of the universe and the only thing that exists the intangible force of the subconscious. A pseudo-hive mind, seperate and yet whole at the same time, slowly splitting and discovering each other's resultant thought patterns until their thoughts begin to manifest themselves physically. With an explosion of thought the universe was created. The newly founded beings decided to come together, recognising the power of their thoughts, they decided that should they ever grow beyond their control, there should be a countermeasure. That countermeasure was called the firstborn, a subconscious entity created by the Gods. They let the Firstborn live lives just like their other creations, his true purpose denied from whilst inside a physical body. But, unfortunately, with truly human emotions comes truly human mistakes. The children born from him also posessed his immense subconscious powers. They were unable to control their powers whilst inside a physical body but most of them managed to pass on their gifts to other generations. This only became a problem when the Gods, as they now proclaimed themselves, grew tired of their creations and moved on, abandoning their people without a care for their wellbeing. These abandoned people formed together under five of the most powerful physical beings and they created their own God, one designed to destroy the Gods and their most precious ideals. The Gods created a place inbetween Life and Death, where they would offer eternal life to those who would serve them through the ordeal. A Freelance spirit. Through the use of technology, these people were able to become the frontline force of the Gods and fight off the Abandoned One's attempts at destroying their peace. But at a cost. They too had a machine capable of creating freelance spirits and soon, the universe was plunged into a war fought not with the loss of life, but with a loss of purpose. Soon enough, people grew further away from their reasons for fighting and then the Firstborn appeared in full form. For the first time, the Abandoned Ones had nowhere to hide and in a panic, created their own world, run entirely by clockwork power. Untrackable by the Gods and the Firstborn because it resonated no energy like the other planets, a safe haven for them to strike back. Episode One (I'm naming these episodes because Saga, when it's overused, makes it sound like some kind of drama Queen): The player, entering the world for the first time, can become anything they want. Presented with the choice of supporting the Freelance Spirits and the Gods or hiding on the Clockwork Planet's haven, waiting to strike. The player can travel anywhere in the universe if they so choose, as, at this point, nobody has found a way to pinpoint which electrical signatures of the Subconscious mind belong to which 'side'. The Metal Dragon God, created by the Abandoned ones fights the Firstborn head-on in a cutscene. Episode Two: Sucked into a spatial vortex by their amazing power, the two 'sides' were now very much, unprotected from the brutality of their war. Neutrality had broken out and most people seemed to think that the war was over. But it was far from over. Spatial rips began appearing and sucking in innocent citizens and the time to find out what was on the other side was at hand. But who will be brave enough to venture inside? Episode Three: The Metal Dragon's time clones are ravaging the universe, the vortexes were actually into a dimension containing the 'Tree of Moments', it shows every moment that ever was, but not every moment that will be and it's branches are capable of sending people to anywhere they so desire. Alternate universes begin to form and the Metal Dragon uses this power to section of planets in their own universe, causing chaos as inter-planetary travellers are stranded on foreign worlds, only capable of travelling through dangerous rips in the fabric of the universe. Episode Four: The final blow was struck and The Metal Dragon was killed, but with it's last breath it created something far more malevolent. It had planted the seeds for a universal invasion inside the torn seams of the universe, allowing the new, more dangerous monsters to emerge anywhere. How can you defend yourself against something that you don't even know is there? Episode Five: Cobweb Man (for lack of a better name) has emerged. His army of deadly insects and animated webbing leaving chaos on both 'sides'. Creating a planet in an extradimensional rift, he sends out his minions. What will it take to break through a barrier that doesn't exist? Episode Six: Cobweb Man was destroyed. His portals used in reverse to thwart him thanks to some ingenious technology. But now an even more serious threat emerges. A vigilante group of the original Abandoned Council has planted powerful bombs inside the very extradimensional tunnels used by Cobweb Man. Capable of destroying the universe. How long is left before they detonate? When you have a whole universe as your hostage, what do you even ask for? That's really as far as I've gone with it. I don't know what else to put down, the seperate story arcs probably wouldn't interest you as they aren't really in the same 'player oriented' style as these. As they aren't really for a game. And, to be honest, I think that's enough fodder for you guys right there, anyways.
Happy Birthday and a half, miraculously ignored thread.

I can't believe nobody has felt the need to express their opinion in all this time.

Maybe they will now.
You've written a mythology here, when you didn't mean to. That's why no one is responding.

Read this for more info: History vs. Mythology
Well, a point I'd like to mention here is that the flipside of this game centres around a character named Kaaiyk.
Thrust into a role he doesn't comprehend the magnitude of, his storyline is what strings together the episodes.
His actions along with the firstborn's are what shape the universe. And the player, while also watching these situations take place, controls a seperate character of their own design in which they experience the consequences of these events.

Hence why it's episodic gameplay.
If that needed any clarification.
My intention was actually to create a vast mythology to immerse the player in aside from the actual story.
I think you're still confused about what mythology is and what history is. Since no one has responded still, maybe I'm on to something?
I think you're confused about how irrelevant that fact is.
Nobody has responded because they're too lazy to read the post.
Just like the rest of the posts I make.

I think you need to take your superiority complex and go exercise it somewhere else.
And considering you're here to simply argue semantics, I must be onto something.
Cpt Mothballs

What are you going to do next about the story?
Cute. I'm sure you're completely right. All the posters who are happy to post at length in other threads develop an acute laziness when reading yours that is totally unrelated to what you've actually written. Plus, now that you've attacked the only person in a year and a half to try to give you any helpful feedback, they'll all pile in, eager to hear what you have to say.
Originally this thread was linked back to another thread in the Game Design forum about a game I was conceptualizing that was story based and ran alongside this episodic storyline for the players to feel the aftermath of the actions taking place in the storyline while, the players were also able to take on and make their own stories.

Generally, whether it's history or mythology doesn't even matter. I just assumed since this was a writing for games forum that people would come here and realise this was for a game and not some book, which is why I left the game design in a seperate thread and decided to leave out the other side to the story.
But, I guess not.

And since it would make absolutely no difference to whether or not anybody would post in this thread, I don't see why you'd bring up your point in relation to that.
Like I said before, you can take your superiority complex elsewhere. I don't need you passive agressively trolling me.
Whether this story is a history or a mythology isn't designated here, but by the story, anyway.
The universe itself is selectively blinded to the truth of what's happening and so the story is retold in many fashions, but only the Freelance spirits know the truth.
Thes spirits being the warriors of the Gods with all the spiritual power who are descendants of the Firstborn.
The Abandoned Children also know the truth, finding out the same way they always do. With inside operatives.

But, once again, I find myself in a confusing situation trying to figure out why this wasn't already implied.
Did you not read the post?
Re: Cpt Mothballs

I didn't understand Pete's first post. I didn't reply before because I didn't read your first post. I wasn't too lazy to read it. I didn't even have time to read my own notes.

Now I have read it and I think that replies only matters if Cpt Mothball is continuing it. Because it has been a year, so it probably changed. There is no point replying if there is a newer version.

Another point that deters me from replying is that in most sci-fantasy style story, the objects you name aren't want people think it is. So when you call something "Metal Dragon", I feel that whatever I guess is probably wrong.

The final point that deters me from replying is that I don't feel there is a message. I feel there is drama but it feels pointless. It is obviously not pointless, the point is just not communicated. I think you could just keep going.

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