Native calling for Wii
Hi, I've been attempting to get Native calling working for the Wii, using as_callfunc_ppc.cpp, however I've having problems getting the asm to compile using CodeWarrior. Has anyone had success in getting Native calling working on the Wii? Does anyone have any tips to get CodeWarrior to compile the asm? CodeWarrior: On the line: asm (" .text\n" Warning : (10349) implicit 'int' is no longer supported in C++ as_callfunc_ppc.cpp line 91 asm (" .text\n" Error : (10115) ')' expected as_callfunc_ppc.cpp line 91 asm (" .text\n" Any help would be greatly appreciated. [Edited by - CliffCawley on February 9, 2009 7:43:53 PM]
Founder, Programmer, Designer and Artist of Forgotten Artifacts, my ARPG Blockchain Video game!
It would seem that CodeWarrior uses a different syntax for inline assembler. I found the following snippet after a quick google.
Once you get the code to compile I suggest you test it with the test_features project. If you look in main.cpp you'll see a list of tests that I've prepared specifically for testing the native calling conventions.
void DisableInt(WORD wIntMask){ asm { move.w sr, d0; move.w d0, -(a7); move.w wIntMask, d2 or.l d2, d0; move.w d0, sr; }}void EnableInt(void){ asm { move.w (a7)+, d0; move.w d0, sr; }}
Once you get the code to compile I suggest you test it with the test_features project. If you look in main.cpp you'll see a list of tests that I've prepared specifically for testing the native calling conventions. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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