
Open Gl question

Started by December 31, 1999 01:41 PM
6 comments, last by Azrael 25 years, 2 months ago
Im a newbie in open gl programming I began using the nehe tutorial from and compiled it with microsoft opengl, and the result was sloooow, really slow about 5 fps
I mean, come on I can make a software rasterizer in quickbasic faster than that.
I have a banshee 3d card and I expected enormously better results, specially after seing quake 3 what Im I doing wrong?

Happy new century everyone!

Well, you problem is probably your drivers. Unless you have the OpenGl beta drivers for your card (you can get them at you ARE using software rasterization. In fact you are using microsofts implimentation which is particuarly slow. I have a TNT2 and NeHe's examples run like a dream on my system.

Hope that helps,

Even with drivers will a 3Dfx cards still be slow for opengl.
Quake use it''s own version of opengl quakGL.And quakGL is standart supported by 3Dfx.

I use a TNT2 and I have no performance problem.
Nehe codes are great, but not written to use hardware acceleration of Voodoo boards.

There are drivers for Mesa3d (variant of OpenGL) that does openGL1.2 features. Mesa3d drives are also available for other platforms, and works for all glide compatible hardware.
What about mini-gl? when I went to I saw that there is a minigl driver, however there is no SDK or tutorials, where can I find info about it?

QuakeGl? (pseudo stupid question coming up) is this implementation available somewhere? where can you find more info about it? :)
MiniGL accelerates only a handful of OpenGL functions. MiniGL was written by 3Dfx for Quake/2/3 games so people could run those games on 3Dfx hardware. I don''t know if there is a full ICD available for voodoo/banshee cards, and if yes than the ICD will get only better in the future since now 3Dfx dumped Glide and will concentrate on OpenGL and D3D drivers. Nehe''s tutorials may require you to have full ICD installed, but I might be wrong. When your card doesn''t support one of the features of the game in hardware then it reverts to software mode.
Hi (first... sorry ''bout my bad english *g*)

I''ve a Riv128 and still the same problem and I''m a newbie, too *g*. I want to program a little game wich used openGL. In my case the game is a PBeM (Play by eMail), so many users with different hardware are using the Gamefile.
My questions:
a) Where can I get the dll''s for my Card and
b) is there a way to make the program fast (I mean for every platform)
optional c) how is it in Linux/Mac etc???

so long


Don''t Panic
so longAmlorDon''t Panic
I have a Voodoo 3, and Nehe's tutorials run just fine on my computer. I'm running NT 4 with the newest drivers, and everything's peachy.

One thing you need to do is make sure your desktop is set to 16-bit color when running OpenGL stuff on a 3dfx card. They don't support acceleration at higher bit depths.


Edited by - Jonathan on 1/4/00 3:37:55 PM

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