
Is there a way to go higher than 333Mhz on 1333Mhz effective ram?

Started by February 01, 2009 01:00 PM
-1 comments, last by AOC1909 15 years, 8 months ago
OK I was wondering I wanted to go faster instead of 333Mhz or 1333Mhz effective ram, does anyone know how to do this safely?? is it safe do i need bigger fans or anything or can i just put the 333Mhz up to 667 or 1333Mhz?? Im a noob so please explain everything. Here are my details 790i Ultra SLI Motherboard E8400 OCZ 1x2gb 1333Mhz Ram ddr3 1200W Thermaltake Power supply Gtx 280 sc Gtx 280 sc ========== Processor, Bus, and Memory Speed Information ========== CPU Speed = 3000.670 CPU Multiplier = 9.000 FSB Frequency = 333 Memory Frequency = 1332.000 PCIE Frequency = 5000 tRas = 24 tRcd = 9 tRp = 9 tRc = 33 tWr = 12 tRrd = 4 tRwt = 15 tWtr = 16 tWrwr = 6 tRdrd = 8 tFAW = 21 ========== System Voltage Information ========== CPU Voltage = 1.112 v Core Voltage = 1.500 v AGP Voltage = 1.300 v Aux Voltage = 4294.967v Memory Voltage = 1.500 v ========== Memory SPD Information ========== Memory Dimm 0 (0x50) Memory type: DDR3 SDRAM Error correction: NONE Voltage interface level: HSTL (1.5V) Data width: 8 bits Number of physical banks: 1 (single sided) Number of logical banks: 8 Number of row addresses: 14 Number of col addresses: 10 Bank density: 128 MB Primary RAM Width: 32 bits Error checking RAM Width: 0 bits Self-refresh: Yes Min row precharge time (tRP): 13.500 ns Min row active delay (tRRD): 6.000 ns Min RAS to CAS delay (tRCD): 13.500 ns Int Wr to Rd Cmd Dly (tWTR) 7.500 ns Int Rd to Pchg Cmd Dly (tRTP) 7.500 ns Min Act/Auto-Rfrsh Time (tRC) 49.500 ns UDIMM (module width = 133.35mm) Manufacturer's JEDEC ID code: 000000b0 00000084 Module manufacturing location: 2 (manufacture dependant) Module part number: OCZ3G13331G Module revision code: 43775 (manufacture dependant) Module manufacturing date: Wk 40 of 2007 Module serial number: ab000000 SPD revision: 1.1 Memory Dimm 1 (0x51) Memory type: DDR3 SDRAM Error correction: NONE Voltage interface level: HSTL (1.5V) Data width: 8 bits Number of physical banks: 1 (single sided) Number of logical banks: 8 Number of row addresses: 14 Number of col addresses: 10 Bank density: 128 MB Primary RAM Width: 32 bits Error checking RAM Width: 0 bits Self-refresh: Yes Min row precharge time (tRP): 13.500 ns Min row active delay (tRRD): 6.000 ns Min RAS to CAS delay (tRCD): 13.500 ns Int Wr to Rd Cmd Dly (tWTR) 7.500 ns Int Rd to Pchg Cmd Dly (tRTP) 7.500 ns Min Act/Auto-Rfrsh Time (tRC) 49.500 ns UDIMM (module width = 133.35mm) Manufacturer's JEDEC ID code: 000000b0 00000084 Module manufacturing location: 2 (manufacture dependant) Module part number: OCZ3G13331G Module revision code: 43775 (manufacture dependant) Module manufacturing date: Wk 40 of 2007 Module serial number: ab000000 SPD revision: 1.1 Thanks everyone!!!!!

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