
Setting up VC++ 6 for DirectX

Started by December 30, 1999 08:28 AM
10 comments, last by 25 years, 2 months ago
It sounds like you are missing some {} somewhere. Recheck your typing. Make sure to #include "ddraw.h" also. The unexpected end of file error usually means you missed a } to close a paragraph.

Still Learning...

Still Learning...
Hmm, thanks, but I don't think that's the problem. here's an excerpt from my code.



He's right, sounds like you're missing a }, or a ; after the } at the end of a class. It depends on what you're three #includes are. If one of the includes is a file that you created or a non-system header file, I'd look for it in there. Good luck :-)
AHHH, i forgot about html on the board. the include right before the LPDIRECTDRAW4 declaration is to for ddraw.h
I am kind of a newbee to but I will try anyways.If it is missing a ';' double click next to error message should take you to line of code.Check the line before it that is where it usually is for me.If not hit help,index and type in error codes that should give you an idea or two.
Hehe well have fun finding it I know sometimes if i leave out a damm ; or {} somewhere. I'll sometimes get around 300 error msgs(from iostream.h,and so on)the one that makes me mad is when I leave out a ; ,and get msg's like local functions are supported cant build precompiled header......

Dont know anyway to fix that but to go look through my code for the error. I wonder if its any better in 5.0 or 6.0(im using 4.2).

[This message has been edited by Zenroth (edited December 30, 1999).]

I am getting the exact same error messages

I was told to set the build paths to look at the sdk directories but hoe the f%&@ do you do that, I spent the entire night last night to compile a DirectDraw APP

I have

I get the same errors man, and it is peeing me right off - hehehe

Any solutions to this


Damn excuse the missing "ddraw.h" and "ddraw.lib"

I think that maybe just maybe you have not set both the include paths and lib paths to your DX sdk

- shot in the dark, give it a bash

I am a VB programmer trying to sus out C++

MISSION -- but I am getting there, but these little niggles are a thorn in my side.

But anyway,
Hope this works


I think I may know whats going on, because it has taken me ages to figure out how to compile the sample projects that came with the DirectX 6.1 SDK.

It seems you have correctly added the .lib and .h include directories, but you have not moved them to the top of the list!

I just tried compiling my prog with these directories in the default, bottom position and I got 172 errors including those you mentioned!



I think I may know whats going on, because it has taken me ages to figure out how to compile the sample projects that came with the DirectX 6.1 SDK.

It seems you have correctly added the .lib and .h include directories, but you have not moved them to the top of the list!

I just tried compiling my prog with these directories in the default, bottom position and I got 172 errors including those you mentioned!



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