
Game Programming Starter Kit 4.0

Started by June 23, 2001 03:22 PM
28 comments, last by Black_Mage 23 years, 5 months ago
Hey, Im pretty much a newbie to this whole thing. I don''t know any languages except for HTML but I want to start programming games. Anyway, there is this program that caught my eye that is called:Game Programming Starter Kit 4.0, now this program consists of a compiler C++ books and some kind of a cool animation program (no not Blender). It costs however 59.99 coming out to 68.89 something like that with taxes. I wanted to know if any of you guys have any experience with this program, or maybe could tell me if its a waste of money. Black_Mage
Before you do anything look here.

There is some great advice in that link that I can''t state any better.


Hey when that thing first vame out (Game Programmig Starter Kit 4.0). I bought it. I really don''t thin its worth it. In it there is a modeler which is ok if you know how to use it. There the genesis engine where create worlds which took me a long time to figure out. It comes with the DirectX 7.0 sdk. And last but not least to acrobat Books. Sams teach yourself Visual C++ in 21 days. And sams teach yourself DirectX 7.0 in 24 hours. It also comes with the introduvtry edition of Visual C++ (which normally is aroubd $50) Yes price wise its worth the money. Especailly if you need a compiler. I have the enterprize edtion of C++ so I don''t use wht comes int it. I also have other modelers. And don''t like using engine. I am goin on and on. Anyways its a great resource if its worth $60 to you.
Any game programmer can make games. Real programmers can finish them.
how did you get the enterprise edition, i thought it was only for companies and not small time developers.

he probably downloaded it somewhere, you should go to jail
Mu uncle used to do programming at a company. He stopped and now is doing networking.So he gave me his copy of Visual C++. There is a huge difference with the introductory edition and the enterprize. But its not needed. Sooner or later I would advise to Get the Professional edition, because I have seen a lot of books that say, "This book focuses on using Visual C++ Professional edition" or something of the like. And if not Professinal, at least get the Standered editon. Although everything is expensive these days. Let alone the standerd is
Any game programmer can make games. Real programmers can finish them.
I don''t think he downloaded it off the internet. Read above. Oh and if you do find a download for Microsoft Visual C++ Enterprize edition. Please post I would love to see it.

p.s. Do you now how long that file is to upload on a site. Its 3 CD worth of megabytes.
Any game programmer can make games. Real programmers can finish them.
Thanks for all the help guys, but im still confounded. Should I or should I not. Acer722 did you say that if you had $60 it was worth it or a different program was worth it. My next question is it really good for a newbie like me? It looked pretty cool, but its getting some really bad reviews, are there any other products like this one?
I briefly looked at the box, and if you have nothing yet it''s probablly a good start to see if you really want to write a game.

Sure, you can download the Genesis 3D engine, but if you have no C++ experience, having those two books on CD might be worth the price alone (as a good start that is).

Just my 2 cents worth

I wouldn''t recommend getting Game Programming Starter Kit 4.0, because I have bought it myself and I still can''t figure out Genesis or SRMA. The book, Teach Yourself Visual C++ In 21 Days, is a pretty good book except for a couple errors it has (Chapter 3: The LineTo function (the most frustrating error because you have to use the bugged source for at least two other chapters) I think it is). I dont even want to get into that DirectX book. On some Amazon Reviews, people said stuff like "This is a great book if you LOVE to debug the authors code", but I havn''t read it. I''m not sure but I think the earlier version (Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0) has Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus on it (I''m not sure, correct me if I''m wrong). As for Game Design Secrets of the Sages, I would say its a great book.

P.S. If you decide to buy it, look for it on ebay!!!!! People sell Game Programming Starter Kit REALLY CHEAP there!!!!!

P.S.S. Does anyone know if Game Programming Starter Kit 3.0 has Tricks of The Windows Game Programming Gurus in it? I fyou know, please Email me @


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