
Gaming Os

Started by June 22, 2001 07:59 PM
24 comments, last by Psylocybe 23 years, 7 months ago
Well I''ve had an idea floating around in my head for quite some time now and I would like to know what people would think about creating an open source gaming platform. I''m still learning and dont have a great deal of knowldege yet so I really have no intentions of carrying out this plan anytime soon I just want to know what people think about this and what kind of problems and obstacles this would create. I know its a lot of work and would take some skilled assembly programming to make it work well but it seems that it could have great potential and could simplify things greatly (bypassing windows crap). So please tell me what you think and if you just want to criticize and flame please go somewhere else.
I too thought about this...then uncle Bill 'embraced & extended' the thought from my brainwaves into the XBox.

Seriously though, it's already kinda been done, XBox, Indremia etc.

Still, that never stopped the hobbyist before, so I started playing around with doing a hobby OS on/off for a while (so on/off in fact I've only just got protected mode running ). Whch is usually the 2nd thing to do in a list of thousands

Still, any OS would have to be able to take advantage of DirectX acceleration in the hardware (probably number 50ish in that list ). Being able to run in Windows / X using an emulation layer would be nice aswell (around number 560ish ).

Again, I'm really getting to grips with OS-less assembly, but I'm a long way from something useful, let alone something usable, (probably due to doing everything in NASM under Windows).

Still, its just for fun. And I can wow my friends when I give them a floppy with MY os on it.

Oh, and PS, you soon realise that some of that Windows crap is REAL useful once you've tried coding OS-less.


Edited by - mr_jrt on June 25, 2001 7:07:28 AM

Edited by - mr_jrt on June 25, 2001 7:10:06 AM
I personally like the idea, I think that the gaming os should be on a platform like the computer not a dedicated console, with this game os, it could be useful to all the other programs that ran on it, I think it would be good to make some specific api for that system only, no directx stuff, or opengl, it could and would have traits of both but would be completely independant from them. I''m not sure how this would all work but sounds cool.
Original post by caffeineaddict
I personally like the idea, I think that the gaming os should be on a platform like the computer not a dedicated console, with this game os, it could be useful to all the other programs that ran on it, I think it would be good to make some specific api for that system only, no directx stuff, or opengl, it could and would have traits of both but would be completely independant from them. I''m not sure how this would all work but sounds cool.

I don''t think making another api is such a good idea. Game programmers will want to make stuff compatible with as many systems as possible. If you create another api, your programmers will have to learn a completely new way of doing things. So, if in any way possible you can use one of the existing apis, by all means do so.
A group of people are already doing this, I don''t know how it''s doing and I don''t remember the URL, but it''s called MercuryOS, I believe.
Ack, AP was me
For me, the perfect GameOS must be multiplatform (computers & console) and use only few standard API: GLUT + OpenGL + POSIX + another for sound

It must be very simple and little with no 3Go of stupid DLLs.
BeOS ?

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
Beos is not so bad, but it is too heavy, in each version you must rewrite your software and I''ve read that it will be leave* by his editor.

*: in french: abandonné, sorry for my english!!!
MercuryOS was actually called GiX OS, and it was a great idea, I think (Merc, or Mercury, was its creator).

Anyway, the project has died, as far as I know, and as far as Merc told me. The original site (with the source code) is still at, and I''d done another website at as part of my own one.

It was a very cool thing to work on.

I don''t remember if it was licensed with GPL or not, if you''re interested in doing something with the sources, you should contact Merc.


I''ve read that it will be leave* by his editor.

*: in french: abandonné, sorry for my english!!!

Maybe "will be left"?
--DK--H. Hernán Moraldo up to the HHM's developers' newsletter.

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