
DDraw: Getting video card info?

Started by December 26, 1999 07:47 PM
1 comment, last by Starfall 25 years, 2 months ago
If I were you I'd look into DirectDrawEnumerate((LPDDENUMCALLBACK)func, void *context)this will provide you with all of the compatible devices attached to the system. In order to get more detail on the device(s) you'll have to create a LPDIRECTDRAWx object for one of the devices and call the EnumDisplayModes(NULL, NULL, void *context, (LPDDENUMMODESCALLBACK)func) method for the LPDIRECTDRAWx object, then if you want video memory call the GetAvailableVidMem(&ddsdc, &DWORD, &DWORD) method for the LPDIRECTDRAWx object save what ever values you want, free the object, move on to the next one, repeat if nessisary.
------------------------------"My sword is like a menacing cloud, but instead of rain, blood will pour in its path." - Sehabeddin, Turkish Military Commander 1438.
Can anyone tell me whether DirectDraw can give info on the video card, and how this can be done? The sort of stuff I am after is how much video ram is available, the manufacturer and model of the card if possible, etc. I thought I'd seen something on how to do this but I can't find anything in the DX docs about it (probably because I didn't look hard enough). If there's no way to do it in DDraw, is there an alternate way it can be done?



Thanks Uranium. I had known about DirectDrawEnumerate, but it doesn't give much info about what the card is... only that it is the primary display card. Your suggestion for working out the video ram works, but is there any way to get the name of the video card manufacturer and the card model?



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