
Problems with a Walk-Through. HELP NEEDED !!!

Started by December 24, 1999 03:26 PM
-1 comments, last by 25 years, 2 months ago
I want to realize a Walk-Through in my 3D
scene and so I tried out the following thing:

void RenderLoop(void)

//... do some stuff


//... render scene
//...update depth, left_angle, right_angle

But I can not walk to the left or right when
I look in these directions...It seems that I
can only rotate around one point in the scene
intstead of changing the viewing-point
Maybe I have to change the glTranslate
parameters each render cycle?...
I don't want to work with glLookAt(...)
or gluPerspective(...) or so because there
has to be another solution...
Do I need a kind of buffer in which I save
the current viewing point? Plese help me !!!
I'm working on a so hopeful application...
It would be bad if I gave up now...

P.S. Sorry about that (bad) English.
My mother-language is german.

Thanks in advance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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