Looking for writers - plot & dialogue
Hey guys, I'm a 20 year old Aussie, a bit of a lurker on these forums, and I'm in the process of writing and creating a game over university's summer break. I'm looking for people to help with writing this game - specifically creating characters, writing dialogue and coming up with branching plot arcs. I've started writing a design doc, and whilst it doesn't contain much of the technical details it does contain a wealth of info on the kind of story I'm looking to tell. You can view the doc here: http://www.danielhindes.net/PerestroikaDesignDocument.doc Here's an excerpt from the plot summary: "Perestroika is a short role-playing game with a branching narrative designed to be finished quickly yet remain fresh with subsequent playthroughs. The game takes place in the near future, in a world where corporations have exceeded state influence and corporate republics are the most common form of rule. Everything has been privatised, including space travel. The majority of the game is set in the newly constructed Vostochny Cosmodrome in Far Eastern Russia. The player controls an agent of an opposing private space administration sent to the cosmodrome to engage in corporate espionage." This is intended to be a short 2D isometric RPG that focuses on a branching narrative through object interaction and dialogue trees. As such, the story, characters and dialogue are paramount. I will be working on this over most of the holidays, and in my spare time if it takes longer (I expect it will). I fully intend to finish this game as I want to build my portfolio, so you don't need to worry about your hard work going to waste. When the game is done it will be released for free, but everyone who contributes will of course recieve proper credit. Give the doc a read and see what you think. If anyone is interested in contributing you can email me at daniel@danielhindes.net, and all other feedback is greatly appreciated!
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