
Strategic games AI

Started by December 21, 2008 04:08 PM
2 comments, last by jolyqr 15 years, 11 months ago
Hello there !! I'm planning to make a video game like Sim City. I'd like the characters to act and react according to the player actions. I don't know how starting building the AI. Do you have any advice for making such AI ? Cheers Joly
If you're making something like Sim City, you're not involving strategic games AI, you're creating a simulation which might use AI techniques to provide more natural behaviour.

Also, you say you want "characters to act and react according to the player actions", which makes me think you're really looking to make a game like The Sims, or even an RPG. But you shouldn't really care about player actions in that case - you just want the characters to act 'naturally' to any given events (player initiated or not).

If this is the case, I'd simply google (or search this forum) for articles on AI for The Sims, and AI for NPCs.
If you really are talking about Sim City, most of the systems are based on Cellular Automata, Will talks about it briefly in this video.

yes, i' like to de something similar to the sims...

thanks the tips.


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