Original post by Bandures
1) yes , r - radius of inertion ( all mass on this radius )
2) "the centripetal acceleration of the point on the object surface where the force F is applied"
Ofcouse F = F applied only if we have fixed center.
Okay, excellent. This clarifies your assumptions very well. There may still be some missing information, and a picture would immensely help but I can clarify a few things with what we have. I''m afraid I still see inconsistencies in your approach. First of all, the correct standard terminology for your "r" is "radius of gyration", not "radius of interia/inertion."
Lets go back to your previous post:
Original post by Bandures
M = FR = mar
where a center orientaited acceleration ( i mean tan acceleration = 0 and w = const )
Two things are inconsistent in this part of your post. First, if you allow M to be nonzero, then the tangential (and rotational) accelerations would also be *nonzero*, leading to w being *not* constant----in conflict with your stated assumption. This is because M *causes* rotational/tangential acceleration. Thus, given your assumption that tan acceleration = 0 and w = const, it would be impossible to have a nonzero M. Second, you have stated that a is the centripetal acceleration. By writing M = mar you are relating moment, which causes rotational acceleration, to centripetal acceleration. Centripetal acceleration is radial and is orthogonal to rotational acceleration and cannot produce a nonzero M. Thus, M = mar is incorrect. (Your force, F = ma, is centripetal force.)
Lets look at one further part of your previous post:
Original post by Bandures
a = w*w*r
Well, of course this is an equation for centripetal acceleration, and as described above it cannot be related here to the calculation of M, and so your expanded equation,
M = m*r*r*w*w
is also incorrect.
It appears to me you have attempted to change equations for forces and accelerations related to an object moving in a perfect circle at constant speed into equations that can represent an object that may undergo arbitrary forces and moments about its center of mass. uncutno''s original question did deal with forces applied both radially through the center of mass causing translational acceleration and tangentially causing rotational acceleration. Simple constant centripetal acceleration isn''t applicable to that problem.
Does this clear up some misunderstandings?
Graham Rhodes
Senior Scientist
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Graham Rhodes Moderator, Math & Physics forum @ gamedev.net