Okay thanks to the aid of the one known as pouya, we figured it out. It wasn't a math problem, but the way I was translating the camera position using Nebula (3d engine I am using). Nebula has wierd camera movement and it was messing me up.
plus it's supposed to be:
camvec.x=sin(-gry); camvec.y=0; camvec.z=cos(-gry);
camvec.x=cos(-gry); camvec.y=0; camvec.z=sin(gry);
I used the sin and cos wrong and I shouldn't have used a negative inside the () but before the sin / cos instead
I should have known better
But we fixed it now!
Thanks for your help though, Diodor
...A CRPG in development...
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Edited by - Nazrix on June 16, 2001 4:33:31 AM
Edited by - Nazrix on June 16, 2001 4:34:47 AM