
Mouse Mapping

Started by June 15, 2001 12:13 PM
6 comments, last by ydragon 23 years, 7 months ago
TAANSTAFL Help! Maybe you should have insulted my intelligence after all... I have managed to add a scrolling component to the HeightMapped example in Chapter 25 (#4), however I am baffled by the mouse mapping! The post from Herbert Wolverson helped me a great deal with the scrolling element. The book ended right when I needed it most! You have masterfully hooked me with the ultimate cliffhanger! I cannot wait for the second book. Can you please post example code using D3D, height mapping, scrolling, and mouse mapping? With luck I can figure layering from there... ydragon Jim Zarvis
Here''s something i worked up today. No mouse mapping, but it does scroll and zoom.

control keys: arrows, and z and x control the zoom.

i''ll have source code up when i get it sufficiently commented.

Get off my lawn!

Now that is awesome! I have to say that not having all the answers handed to me on a platter as to how to implement a height mapped, layered, scrolling, mouse mapped, terrain editor has been a good thing for me. I am building my own core functions instead of just slapping in someone else's library. I've only had your book two days, and I am twice the game developer I was yesterday when I finished reading your book. Being forced to do it on my own is the key to true understanding. However having a forum like this available to redirect me as I practice and learn to better assimilate the tools you have given me is essential. Andre has been my hero for many years. I am pleased to hereby deify you and add you to the ranks of those I consider pure genius.

All Praise and Approbation to TAANSTAFL!


P.S. Did you ever read Andre's essay on Neural Netware? I had to pull out my old Calculus text just to follow along! How does that guy get dates?

Edited by - ydragon on June 16, 2001 11:25:26 AM

Edited by - ydragon on June 16, 2001 12:24:23 PM

Edited by - ydragon on June 16, 2001 12:25:01 PM
Dying to get my hands on that code ....drool. I''ll take it without comments as is!
IsoHex25_6 Source

IsoHex25_6a Source

IsoHex25_6b Source

IsoHex25_6a Executable

IsoHex25_6b Executable

I dont guarantee that 6a or 6b will work on your machine. they use DirectX8, and i''ve had trouble running them on other people''s machines. the source is an absolute mess for all three of these examples. 6b is a debug executable.

25_6: a d3d7 isometric projection
25_6a: a d3d8 isometric projection,
25_6b: a d3d8 isometric projection with mouse mapping.

Get off my lawn!

You are my HERO! Thank you!

Can someone please translate the DirectX8 Source to Visual Basic ?

Great Samples, but how I can get the Mouse on a Height Map ?

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