
Licenses and distribution

Started by October 16, 2008 06:27 AM
1 comment, last by Polydone 16 years, 4 months ago
Hi (I'm not english, sorry if I tell strange things ^^) I have a doubt about licenses and i hope one of you can tell me the answer :D If I make a program, using Visual Studio (from Microsoft), can I sell that program? I have used the "free" version (express). And, if I use MySQL in the program, can I sell the program too? I don't know if the license these programs have is only for distribute the program itself or the programs that you make with them are also included. I hope all is easy to understand :) Thanks, and bye!
You own the programs you write. You may distribute and sell your own programs.

MySQL is not yours, so you may not distribute MySQL unless you follow their terms.

If you used parts of MySQL inside your program, then you are subject to whatever terms and conditions MySQL has placed on the stuff you used. They own those parts, and you must use them in the ways they permit.
For the case Visual Studio - yes you're free to distribute the programs you create in any way.

For MySQL: If you create a program that just accesses a MySQL database using ODBC then yes - it's not legally considered linking in the wording of the GPL license - no matter what MySQL thinks.

It get's more tricky when we start talking about connecting in other ways. .NET assembly references might very well be considered linking - perhaps especially if you also distribute the assemblies in question... ask a lawyer here if it's enforcible - ask 100 lawyers and you might get 100 diferent answers...
If you use MySQL's own connector - I believe it's called Connector/.NET or something - then it's GPL licensed, and therefore your project is probably also bound by the GPL license.
If you're using 3rd party connectors then you would have to read the documentation on how their licenses apply to your product.

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