Original post by BlueFalconLoyd
Hardcore players are your player base that will stick with the game from pre-release to closing of the servers. This is a smaller market but a market that will pay for your game much longer then a casual player might. While casual players tend to move from game to game...why wouldn't they? They have no "real" attachment to the game other then logging on for a bit, playing, then logging out. This is a large market for MMO's but a market that will pay far far less time wise.
I've found pretty often just the opposite behaviour (at least with casuals and WoW). Casual players will keep playing WoW for ages because they don't know anything else, and if you show them something else is damm hard to convince them to move from it (learn another game, repeat all the basic stuff, their friends may or may not move to the new game...).
While hardcore players know which games are coming, which ones look good, which ones will probably interest them,... and move more often from game to game (or try several games at the same time).