
if you own the book....

Started by June 12, 2001 08:02 PM
13 comments, last by TANSTAAFL 23 years, 7 months ago
a bit off the topic but what is a cybiko??

I would love to go and post a review but I am still waiting for a response to some questions I emailed you after I read the book.

Now, to be fair, I used and it is having major problems right now.

I sent the questions before finding this place so I''ll just repost one of them here for everyones benefit:

One thing I missed from the book is a discussion on scale. What is the best way to figure a scale for your game? Lets say you are doing an RPG like Diablo, what scale would they use? How many feet would a tile represent? How many feet would a pixel represent? What is the best tile size to use? etc.

Robert Kozak
Hey All,

Just thought I''d mention that I''m doing an Open Source ISO engine based on the ideas from TAN''s book and illustrating the use of the new game-programming friendly features in Java 1.4

Its being posted as-I-go in the Tech section of

(And yeah I''ll go give you a nice review on amazon.)

I tried to do a review on Amazon - twice!!!

Do they limit the number of reviews? There are 17 reviews of the book right now, is that some Amazon max??

Dash Zero
Credits: Fast Attack - Software Sorcery - Published by Sierra 1996
Dash ZeroCredits: Fast Attack - Software Sorcery - Published by Sierra 1996
It sometimes takes them up to a week to approve reviews. If it''s been longer than that, you should e-mail them.

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