
How to sell my ideas?

Started by September 25, 2008 01:31 PM
4 comments, last by Ezbez 16 years, 3 months ago
I wrote a series of stories based on a single hero character. This character has many unique abilities. The stories are original. I have some questions: 1. How can tell a copany that I have a story? 2. What should I send to that company if they are interested in it? 3. How to sell it to that company? Any additional info is appreciated. The last question: 4. Can you tell me some of these companies?
I'll start the bidding at 0.01 USD
Hi Mohammed,
You say you've written stories -- not game ideas. If your question is how to sell your story intellectual property (IP) into the game world, the answer is that you first need to make your stories well-known by having had them published as stories. Make the next Harry Potter (not Hari Puttar) (with readers all over the world clamoring for more) and the game companies and movie studios will come knocking on your door.

As for the numbered questions:
1. Plink
2. Plunk
3. Plernk
4. No. You have to do serious research. Start here

-- Tom Sloper --


your info on sloperama is good. Can you send me the lessons in Word format or PDF so that I can print it? It will be for my own use because I can't read from the screen.

Is there any reason you can't just press Ctrl-P with the webpage open?

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