
Does Game Development comes under IT?

Started by September 17, 2008 09:59 AM
10 comments, last by Jack9 16 years, 5 months ago
Hi guys, i'm a bit confused, I just want to know whether the Gaming industry comes under (or) is liable to fit under the IT(Information Technology) Sector......
if you are applying for college and cannot find one that offers game development major degree, you can find one with computer science. - My Game - My Open Source 2D Map Editor
No. Strictly speaking, game development comes under "Entertainment" as an industry, but it employs a number of IT and IT-related skills, from network infrastructure, asset management, desktop and workstation support and so forth at the development facility to software development.
Noo! dont insult the games industry like that! :).

To be honest i think that is the problem in most countries where game development is held in the same category as 'I.T' (eww) and does not get its proper recognition, (which is probably why they rarely give tax breaks). Its about time people started differenciating between the two at a higher level. Just because it involves computers doesn't mean its 'I.T'.

Seriously though i would put it under 'entertainment' more specifically 'entertainment software'.
Original post by G-Dog
Noo! dont insult the games industry like that! :).

To be honest i think that is the problem in most countries where game development is held in the same category as 'I.T' (eww) and does not get its proper recognition, (which is probably why they rarely give tax breaks). Its about time people started differenciating between the two at a higher level. Just because it involves computers doesn't mean its 'I.T'.

Seriously though i would put it under 'entertainment' more specifically 'entertainment software'.

Well Said. In lot of cases game development requires a lot more complex and demanding skill sets than 'I.T.' right?
It really depends on who you ask and in what context. For example, my local community college runs a game development degree program and the classes are under the CIT (Computer and Information Technology) rubrik.
Original post by Prasath_AMD
I just want to know whether the Gaming industry comes under... the IT(Information Technology) Sector......

First, why do you ask? Do games fall under IT in what point of view, for what purpose? For taxonomic purposes? For taxation purposes? For educational purposes? The answer to your question may well depend on your reason for asking.
Secondly, consider the toy industry for a moment. Most toys are made of plastic. Plastics are made of chemicals. Should that mean that the toy industry comes under the chemical industry? (^_^)

-- Tom Sloper --

Original post by Tom Sloper
Original post by Prasath_AMD
I just want to know whether the Gaming industry comes under... the IT(Information Technology) Sector......

First, why do you ask? Do games fall under IT in what point of view, for what purpose? For taxonomic purposes? For taxation purposes? For educational purposes? The answer to your question may well depend on your reason for asking.
Secondly, consider the toy industry for a moment. Most toys are made of plastic. Plastics are made of chemicals. Should that mean that the toy industry comes under the chemical industry? (^_^)


If you do programming in the financial sector, are you in software/IT or finance?
If you do programming in the transport sector, are you in software/IT or transport?
If you do programming for a game studio, are you in software/IT or entertainment?

While many programmers see IT meaning "technical support", at a high level aren't software development, network administration and tech support all in the IT category? It depends if you're sticking to names, or what most people think the names mean.

I still wish I knew what the OP was asking.

-- Tom Sloper --

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