
Rotating a Bitmap

Started by November 23, 1999 06:24 PM
13 comments, last by Lafo 25 years, 3 months ago
Hey Splat thanks for the idea of just drawing the upper right quadrant and flipping it. I was looking up how to rotate bitmaps, because I didn't want to store a huge bitmap, but this idea is an excellent compromise.
Black Edge Games
Sorry if I sounded a bit over the edge. By no means am I even close to becoming an expert, or even a intermediate game programmer. I don't even have a job! (argh! still looking for that right one.. or any one.)

But, I feel that the *best* way to learn, is to *try* and figure it out for yourself. The second best is to read a text book on the subject (or an faq). And as a last resort, ask someone on a message board.

I find that just asking someone doesn't really help you in the long run, and thier answer doesn't not mean that it is the right answer or the best.

When you start your on your way as a game developer, you can't just ask people how to do something evertime you run into a problem. I have once spent two weeks trying to figure out a solution to a problem, (to no avail) and finally I looking it up on a web page. Even though I didn't do it myself, atleast I now know the complexity and general nature of the problem. So maybe next time, I will be able to do it myself, and it might be a better solution then the one I got from a web page.

So sorry everyone if I offended. =(

Now to get back on the proper topic... ummm.. direct draws bitmap rotation sucks.

ps. why was my message locked? and what does that mean? (see, I'm a newbie too.)

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Gromit: As you can see from my message above, I in part agree with the look before ask ideology for programming.

Reg. direct draw rotation: Never used or plan on using. Using pre-rotated images or optimized, hand-written rotations that are calculated at initialization and NOT at blit are the way to go.

Reg. the locking of your message, the moderators obviously did not want a flame-war of sorts to explode under that topic. But it was on topic and not mean, so they couldn't (in good conscience) delete it. So they locked it so people could see but not respond.

- Splat

Yeah it's me again!?!?!?

I'm now looking for a way to rotate a bitmap(I don't want to make all these bitamps with photoshop: ~15~20 bitmaps for all direction * by all the animation = too many).

There's certainly a way to rotate a sprite, if someone can tell me how, I'll appreciate.


Freeride: I must admit, the idea of quadrant flipping is NOT mine, it is (I believe) the general consensus that this is the best method, rather than rendering all 360 degrees. The slight increase in speed by rendering all 360 degrees is simply not worth the increase in size, memory useage, time spent in a drawing program (assuming you don't use a 3D modeller to do the grunt work of rotating for you) etc.

- Splat

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