Original post by phemmer
Hi bishop_pass,
first of all i think we are on the right track now. I hope the others do not mind if we discuss that kind off hardcore stuff here, but i would say we should try to make the discussion understandable for all which are really interested.
Totally agreed, since what we want to achieve is something practical. We can try to prove things afterwards as a nice excersise, but it is not neccessary since there is enough literature that tells us what we can achieve and what the pitfalls are.
The only thing i am missing at the moment is the use of:
For all "\-/" and Existence Quantors in your formulas, but i think we will also find a common level here. I say this because there is another normalized form of such formulas that cleans up
those stuff; i mean Praenex formulas.
If you don''t mind i would like to agree about some more things:
First of all we should agree on how to write the different mathematical signs. Since we cannot use MathML we should use normal ASCII character set. Or do you have any better idea ?
Then we verbally should describe some test cases and try to formulate them in a syntax to be defined. That means let us create a world scenario (simple J&R, RTS, RPG) and try to describe it using our future rule set definitions. Let us instantiate some objects and look how far we come with our first model. I want to get a feeling for:
How to write rules, how to process state changes, how to use them in a game engine etc.
First of all, could you make an effort to isolate your statements from the quoted body of my statements by using the quote tag. I almost miss some of the thngs you say because they are reduced in font and mixed in with my quotes. Likewise others are probably missing what you are saying. And lastly, it can look like I said what you said instead of you saying it.
Regarding the other stuff, since I have not yet talked about existential quantification, all variables have been implicitly universal. As for syntax, despite Apex''s suggestion that I use a ''v'' for OR, I have been using an ''|'' as it is generally understood to mean OR around here.
So I have the follwing syntax:
& = AND.
| = OR.
CAPITAL LETTER = literal or atom.
small letter = varaible.
(Ax,y,z) = universal quantification of the variabls x, y, z.
(Ex,y,z) = existential quantification of the variables x, y, z.
f(P,x) = a function with args, in this case, a constant and a variable.
A -> B = logical implication where A implies B.
A <- B = logical implication where B implies A.
A <-> B = bidirectional implication where A implies B and B implies A.
~A = NOT A meaning A is NOT true.