
GLUT Libraries

Started by November 15, 1999 10:09 AM
2 comments, last by Mr_Black 25 years, 3 months ago
GLUT is a good thing to use. Most OpenGL programmers use far as I know. I don't work wih OpenGL too often because it is a little bit annoying, but oh well...

Dance with me......

GLUT is really easy to use!
GLUT is "only" a portable library to get quick into OpenGL or MESA programming. With GLUT you can use OpenGL without wondering about the window-API, keyboard-, mouse- and joystick input.
And don't be afraid GLUT hides NOTHING of the theory of 3D.

GLUT page at SGI:

And here comes a good starting tutorial:

[This message has been edited by TheMummy (edited November 15, 1999).]

I'm new to OpenGL and I have been getting used to the API and its functionallity. But I have been reading about the GLUT Libraies, are they worth using, are they a help or a hinderence to programming. Basicly do they hide too much of the theory of 3D from you or are they just a helpfull addon. Plus does anyone know where I can get them from?
TheMummy is right, GLUT is a great tool. It lets you focus on JUST learning OpenGL. Look in our OpenGL section for Nate Robins OpenGL tutors. They all use GLUT, and since he is the one who ported GLUT to Win32, he's a good example to learn from. Also, you can find a direct link to the GLUT files in our Resources section.

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