
Gesture recognition (ala Black and White)

Started by May 30, 2001 06:55 PM
3 comments, last by punkfloyd 23 years, 6 months ago
Hey, I have posted a demo (with sources) of my simple gesture recognition engine to my web site To test it try this: run the demo (gest.exe) draw number 1 with your mouse on the window (you should do it with one "stroke" because i dont handle multiple strokes yet) Assign it to gesture one (Alt+1) draw number 2 with your mouse and assign it to gesture 2 repeat for all the digits (it might pop up a message box at some point saying it recognized a digit. just ignore it for now, the program is not trained yet) after you are done try drawing digits again, the program will try to recognize them just like Black and White (i dont claim they do it the same way tho) Now the program will try to recognize them. Once in a while (should not be too often at all) it will fail to recognize the gesture, add the gesture to the database with Alt+ You can delete gestures by going to the Gestures dialog (in the menu) That''s it Oh yeah, there''s a little demo of flocking on the same webpage. Check it out too! PF
cool, now do letters & you almost have a palm pilot (which recongizes one stroke only)

Magmai Kai Holmlor
- The disgruntled & disillusioned
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
You can do letters.
It''s just that I have hardcoded maximum of only 10 gestures but the engine can handle any number.
Handling multiple strokes is not hard either, just scale the two gestures to the same size and match the strokes separately (you have to try different combinations because people sometimes write strokes in letters in a different order)


P.S. the amazing part the knowledge has been around for 10 years at least...
Wow! It works like a charm!

I am truly in awe.

I wrote the best video game ever, then I woke up...

------------------------------------------------------------I wrote the best video game ever, then I woke up...
Your website seems to be down. Where could I get this demo?

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