Ok, I''m trying to read some text in from a file, and adding that text as a child node to to my tree view.
So my code snipped:
i = 448;
for(k = 0; k < max; k++)
if((k > maxr) && (maxu > 0))
tvItem.pszText = GetPilotName(i + iJump * k);
tvIns.hParent = hu;
tvItem.lParam = x++;
tvIns.item = tvItem;
TreeView_InsertItem(hWndTree, &tvIns);
else if(k < maxr)
tvItem.pszText = GetPilotName(i + iJump * k);
tvIns.hParent = hr;
tvItem.lParam = x++;
tvIns.item = tvItem;
TreeView_InsertItem(hWndTree, &tvIns);
OK, max is the number of text strings to read, there''s two types. maxr + maxu will equal max. maxr is always stored in the file before maxu strings
char* GetPilotName(int iOffset)
DWORD dwBytesRead;
const int iBuffSize = 20;
char* pPilotName = "";
SetFilePointer(g_hTemporaryFile, iOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
ReadFile(g_hTemporaryFile, pPilotName, iBuffSize, &dwBytesRead, 0);
return pPilotName;
This fucntion will read the file from the giving offset/value from my tree view function...the snippet way above there.
The strings are stored as 20 bytes long inside a data struct 68 bytes big.
now mu problem is that when ever I load up a file to read the strings, it never adds the last two strings which would be part of maxu....i''ve manualy checked the file and my maxr + maxu and everything checks up
Oh, iJump is 68.
Can you please help me?