
Risk of Direct3D due to monopoly declaration

Started by November 09, 1999 04:56 PM
2 comments, last by 25 years, 3 months ago
Really the ruling has no effect on DirectX at all.

Even if, later on down the road, MS was broken up into seperate companies, one would still likely make DirectX (the main operating system one), so really it has no effect at all.

Honestly, this anti-trust will only force Microsoft to split their developement teams into seperate companies. That way they are a bunch of little companies still owned/operated by the big one (even though on paper it might not look like that).

I doubt this will change anything. Microsoft has already said they'll settle out of court, which I have no idea what that could mean other than the goverment wanted a piece of the pie.


Yesterday Judge declared Microsoft monopoly, and antitrust law may be applied next year.

It seems Windows specific Direct3D is much risky than OpenGL. Any other opinions?

Do you all think it's possible that it will slow down future updates of DirectX (including D3D)?
I would imagine that breaking it up = less funding = less manpower working on Dx.
Probably too early to tell in any case.

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