
Filling up my memory with surfaces

Started by November 09, 1999 02:44 PM
4 comments, last by crazy166 25 years, 4 months ago
I don't know about the DX, but you might want to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and see if your file name is showing up on there. The crash might not have killed the prog and you could have several instances floating around that you need to kill yourself.

Might help, might not, it's easy enough to try though.

-the logistical one-
Hello crazy166

Yes, first use CTRL-ALT-DEL and kill unwanted tasks. Then start Process Viewer and kill unwanted processes. It is possible that your process remains in memory. You can't see this in the task manager but in Process Viewer.


And while you're at it, install Win2K - Newest version of DX and the stability of NT (if there is such a thing ). No, really Win2K is a MUCH better dev platform that 98.


Yeah, my app was not showing up in Task manager, but thanks for the tip about Process Viewer, I'll try it. I rearranged my surface handling code so that the surfaces get released (I realized that sometimes I would leave a function w/o releasing them), but that didn't help even when the prog doesn't crash. I don't know if this will help, but if I run DXDiag (DX7 version) afterwards, hardware acceleration and AGP support are disabled under the Video tab and can't be enabled.
Thanks again.
As my game gets larger, I'm having troubles debugging it (directx). Sometimes I set a breakpoint or my prog dumps out on me with an error code. In the case of a breakpoint, I can't see my debugger, but I can live with that. My real problem arises when the surfaces aren't released in a crash. After running the program about 2 or 3 times, I get dumped right out in my init code. The debug version of DX says "HAL callbacks NULL: HAL will not be enumerated"
"HAL device not available"
and two other messages. Then my prog doesn't work and I have to restart my computer. Am I correct in assuming my video card is full of unreleased textures, etc. because it works fine again for 2 or 3 times after I restart.
One thing that helps me sometimes is to run
the KillHelp utility (Start -) ProgramFiles -)DXSDK -) Utilities -) Killhelp. It supposedly unloads the directdraw dll from memory and can help you restart fresh if you garble things up. On the other hand, sometimes it doesn't help at all!

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