
Troubles removing AMD heatsink and CPU...

Started by June 03, 2008 11:12 PM
1 comment, last by Moe 16 years, 4 months ago
I know this forum isn't for tech support, but this one has my roommate and I stumped. For whatever reason my roommate decided to swap some of his hardware around. He has an older AMD based machine that he recently just put together. The BIOS is saying that there is a CPU fault (or so we think, because of the quick alternating short and longer beeps). We've got another AMD CPU kicking around, but have no idea how the heck to get the old one off. jumbo sized picture of the thing I tried pushing and pulling on the small black plastic tabs that are part of the clips that keep the whole thing down, but nothing so much as budges. I would think that you just have to push down on the black plastic tabs hard enough and the middle of the clip would pop up (from being concave to being convex), but I pushed pretty hard on it and the only thing that moved was the motherboard flexing a bit. I don't dare push any harder for fear of breaking the stupid thing. So... how does one go about getting this thing off the motherboard? It's got me stumped.
What type of socket is it? My last AMD machine had an interesting heatsink that required that you push the tab towards the heatsink to unhook it on the side near you then pushing it so the other side clips out.

This may or may not help: Image
ZeroSum, you win a cookie and a rate++. My roommate figured it out while I was in the shower, and it was exactly that - pushing down while unhooking it. Thanks a bunch.

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