
Having to make new UVmap every time?

Started by May 17, 2008 10:15 PM
12 comments, last by Jarrod1937 16 years, 9 months ago
Hi, i'm having an issue with UV maps. The thing is, every time I load a model from Maya 8.0 into Truespace 7.5, or any other modeling and animation software, the uv maps don't show up correctly on the models I made. Then I have to re-UV map the same models again. Is there any workaround for this? Thanks for your support! - Spludge Interactive
Original post by Spludge Interactive
Hi, i'm having an issue with UV maps. The thing is, every time I load a model from Maya 8.0 into Truespace 7.5, or any other modeling and animation software, the uv maps don't show up correctly on the models I made. Then I have to re-UV map the same models again.

Is there any workaround for this?

Thanks for your support!
- Spludge Interactive

What format are you exporting to?
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
The models: mostly .obj, and sometimes .fbx
The textures or UV maps: only .bmp currently
Original post by Spludge Interactive
The models: mostly .obj, and sometimes .fbx
The textures or UV maps: only .bmp currently

I've had .obj drop my uv coords in some cases, but .fbx really shouldn't. Are you sure your uv coordinates are actually gone? I say this, because sometimes artists forget that they may have to reapply the texture once imported into another 3d program. Notice i said, reapply, your texture uv coords may still exist in the model, but you may have to apply the texture to the model to get the texture to display within the new application.

-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
I recently tried applying a texture that I UV mapped onto a model in Maya 8.0, and exported it in .fbx format. I then downloaded the free trial of 3ds Max 2009, and loaded my model in it. It had some of the textures mapped correctly, but some textures didn't even show up. It was a simple character model I made, and the skin texture was on correctly, without needing re-UV mapping, but the eyes, well I had to re-apply the texture in 3ds Max, and it wasn't scaled correctly. I am a newbie to 3ds Max, and I did re-apply the texture for the eyes, and I couldn't figure out how to get it scaled right.

In Maya,I used planar mapping for the eyes and body, and spherical mapping for the head.

By the way, how do you post an image, and/or animation when on this forum? I don't see any buttons for adding that stuff.
Original post by Spludge Interactive
I recently tried applying a texture that I UV mapped onto a model in Maya 8.0, and exported it in .fbx format. I then downloaded the free trial of 3ds Max 2009, and loaded my model in it. It had some of the textures mapped correctly, but some textures didn't even show up. It was a simple character model I made, and the skin texture was on correctly, without needing re-UV mapping, but the eyes, well I had to re-apply the texture in 3ds Max, and it wasn't scaled correctly. I am a newbie to 3ds Max, and I did re-apply the texture for the eyes, and I couldn't figure out how to get it scaled right.

In Maya,I used planar mapping for the eyes and body, and spherical mapping for the head.

By the way, how do you post an image, and/or animation when on this forum? I don't see any buttons for adding that stuff.

You can get a free account, it hosts images and videos for free.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
No, I mean like my own images and animations, so I can show others my work i've done. And is there any special tags that I must insert on both sides of the image name in order to display it? They do that on some of the other forums i'm registered on. I want to be able to show people my work in progress on this forum too.
You just use html:
<img src="URL_GOES_HERE">
Does that mean that the image or animation has to be on a published website?

If so, I don't know how to do that, but if the image can come from any place on "My Computer\Local Disk (C:)", then that is fine and I know hiow to do that then.

Original post by Spludge Interactive
Does that mean that the image or animation has to be on a published website?

If so, I don't know how to do that, but if the image can come from any place on "My Computer\Local Disk (C:)", then that is fine and I know hiow to do that then.

Once again, they give free hosting for images and videos. Signup for an account, and you'll be able to figure it out.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert

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