Linking angelscript into C. Problem when building AS_C_INTERFACE
I'm new to angelscript. I've been trying several scripting libraries for the last few days and when I saw angelscript's quick reference I thought I had found my little holy grial.
But now that I'm trying to link it into a C based program I'm encountering problems. I understood from the manual it was possible to link it into C, after some searching I understood the way of doing it was compiling it with: AS_C_INTERFACE;AS_NO_CLASS_METHODS (and ANGELSCRIPT_EXPORT for the lib linking). Well... angelscript doesn't build when using these. The library headers try to use class methods in the building path with class methods disabled.
Could anyone help me here? Does anyone have it linked into a C program?
[Edited by - jal_ on May 17, 2008 6:25:27 AM]
I actually started on the same thing, never quite finished (for other reasons) but I made it compile. You only need to patch angelscript.h:
While we're on the subject: how would you deal with strings when interfacing with C? AngelScript offers no built-in string type (unless I'm completely oblivious) and the add_ons/scriptstring.(cpp|h) is just a wrapper for std::string.
--- /home/ice/downloads/as/2.12/sdk/angelscript/include/angelscript.h 2008-03-23 12:03:10.000000000 -0400+++ angelscript.h 2008-04-15 23:45:10.000000000 -0400@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ #define ANGELSCRIPT_VERSION_STRING "2.12.0" // Data types++#ifndef __cplusplus+ #define class struct+ typedef enum {false, true} bool;+#endif class asIScriptEngine; class asIScriptContext;@@ -69,14 +74,213 @@ class asIObjectType; class asIScriptFunction; class asIBinaryStream;++#ifndef __cplusplus+ typedef struct asIScriptEngine asIScriptEngine;+ typedef struct asIScriptContext asIScriptContext;+ typedef struct asIScriptGeneric asIScriptGeneric;+ typedef struct asIScriptStruct asIScriptStruct;+ typedef struct asIScriptArray asIScriptArray;+ typedef struct asIObjectType asIObjectType;+ typedef struct asIScriptFunction asIScriptFunction;+ typedef struct asIBinaryStream asIBinaryStream;+#endif -enum asEMsgType;+/*enum asEMsgType; enum asEContextState; enum asEExecStrFlags; enum asEEngineProp; enum asECallConvTypes; enum asETypeIdFlags;-enum asEBehaviours;+enum asEBehaviours;*/++// Enumerations and constants++// Engine properties+typedef enum+{+ asEP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_REFERENCES = 1,+ asEP_OPTIMIZE_BYTECODE = 2,+ asEP_COPY_SCRIPT_SECTIONS = 3,+} asEEngineProp;++// Calling conventions+typedef enum+{+ asCALL_CDECL = 0,+ asCALL_STDCALL = 1,+ asCALL_THISCALL = 2,+ asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST = 3,+ asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST = 4,+ asCALL_GENERIC = 5,+} asECallConvTypes;++// Object type flags+typedef enum+{+ asOBJ_REF = 0x01,+ asOBJ_VALUE = 0x02,+ asOBJ_GC = 0x04,+ asOBJ_POD = 0x08,+ asOBJ_NOHANDLE = 0x10,+ asOBJ_SCOPED = 0x20,+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS = 0x100,+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x200,+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR = 0x400,+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT = 0x800,+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_C = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR),+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CD = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR),+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CA = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CDA = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_D = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR),+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_A = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),+ asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DA = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),+ asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE = 0x1000,+ asOBJ_APP_FLOAT = 0x2000,+ asOBJ_MASK_VALID_FLAGS = 0x3F3F,+} asEObjTypeFlags;++// Behaviours+typedef enum+{+ // Value object memory management+ asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT,+ asBEHAVE_DESTRUCT,++ // Reference object memory management+ asBEHAVE_FACTORY,+ asBEHAVE_ADDREF,+ asBEHAVE_RELEASE,++ // Object operators+ asBEHAVE_VALUE_CAST,+ asBEHAVE_INDEX,+ asBEHAVE_NEGATE,++ // Assignment operators+ asBEHAVE_FIRST_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_ASSIGNMENT = asBEHAVE_FIRST_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_ADD_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_SUB_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_MUL_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_DIV_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_MOD_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_OR_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_AND_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_XOR_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_SLL_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_SRL_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_SRA_ASSIGN,+ asBEHAVE_LAST_ASSIGN = asBEHAVE_SRA_ASSIGN,++ // Global operators+ asBEHAVE_FIRST_DUAL,+ asBEHAVE_ADD = asBEHAVE_FIRST_DUAL,+ asBEHAVE_SUBTRACT,+ asBEHAVE_MULTIPLY,+ asBEHAVE_DIVIDE,+ asBEHAVE_MODULO,+ asBEHAVE_EQUAL,+ asBEHAVE_NOTEQUAL,+ asBEHAVE_LESSTHAN,+ asBEHAVE_GREATERTHAN,+ asBEHAVE_LEQUAL,+ asBEHAVE_GEQUAL,+ asBEHAVE_LOGIC_OR,+ asBEHAVE_LOGIC_AND,+ asBEHAVE_BIT_OR,+ asBEHAVE_BIT_AND,+ asBEHAVE_BIT_XOR,+ asBEHAVE_BIT_SLL,+ asBEHAVE_BIT_SRL,+ asBEHAVE_BIT_SRA,+ asBEHAVE_LAST_DUAL = asBEHAVE_BIT_SRA,++ // Garbage collection behaviours+ asBEHAVE_FIRST_GC,+ asBEHAVE_GETREFCOUNT = asBEHAVE_FIRST_GC,+ asBEHAVE_SETGCFLAG,+ asBEHAVE_GETGCFLAG,+ asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS,+ asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS,+ asBEHAVE_LAST_GC = asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS,+} asEBehaviours;++// Return codes+typedef enum+{+ asSUCCESS = 0,+ asERROR = -1,+ asCONTEXT_ACTIVE = -2,+ asCONTEXT_NOT_FINISHED = -3,+ asCONTEXT_NOT_PREPARED = -4,+ asINVALID_ARG = -5,+ asNO_FUNCTION = -6,+ asNOT_SUPPORTED = -7,+ asINVALID_NAME = -8,+ asNAME_TAKEN = -9,+ asINVALID_DECLARATION = -10,+ asINVALID_OBJECT = -11,+ asINVALID_TYPE = -12,+ asALREADY_REGISTERED = -13,+ asMULTIPLE_FUNCTIONS = -14,+ asNO_MODULE = -15,+ asNO_GLOBAL_VAR = -16,+ asINVALID_CONFIGURATION = -17,+ asINVALID_INTERFACE = -18,+ asCANT_BIND_ALL_FUNCTIONS = -19,+ asLOWER_ARRAY_DIMENSION_NOT_REGISTERED = -20,+ asWRONG_CONFIG_GROUP = -21,+ asCONFIG_GROUP_IS_IN_USE = -22,+ asILLEGAL_BEHAVIOUR_FOR_TYPE = -23,+ asWRONG_CALLING_CONV = -24,+} asERetCodes;++// Context states+typedef enum+{+ asEXECUTION_FINISHED = 0,+ asEXECUTION_SUSPENDED = 1,+ asEXECUTION_ABORTED = 2,+ asEXECUTION_EXCEPTION = 3,+ asEXECUTION_PREPARED = 4,+ asEXECUTION_UNINITIALIZED = 5,+ asEXECUTION_ACTIVE = 6,+ asEXECUTION_ERROR = 7,+} asEContextState;++// ExecuteString flags+typedef enum+{+ asEXECSTRING_ONLY_PREPARE = 1,+ asEXECSTRING_USE_MY_CONTEXT = 2,+} asEExecStrFlags;++// Message types+typedef enum+{+ asMSGTYPE_ERROR = 0,+ asMSGTYPE_WARNING = 1,+ asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION = 2,+} asEMsgType;++// Prepare flags+static const int asPREPARE_PREVIOUS = -1;++// Config groups+static const char * const asALL_MODULES = (const char * const)-1;++// Type id flags+typedef enum+{+ asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE = 0x40000000,+ asTYPEID_HANDLETOCONST = 0x20000000,+ asTYPEID_MASK_OBJECT = 0x1C000000,+ asTYPEID_APPOBJECT = 0x04000000,+ asTYPEID_SCRIPTSTRUCT = 0x0C000000,+ asTYPEID_SCRIPTARRAY = 0x10000000,+ asTYPEID_MASK_SEQNBR = 0x03FFFFFF,+} asETypeIdFlags; // // asBYTE = 8 bits@@ -108,14 +312,29 @@ typedef void (*asGENFUNC_t)(asIScriptGeneric *); typedef void *(*asALLOCFUNC_t)(size_t); typedef void (*asFREEFUNC_t)(void *);--#define asFUNCTION(f) asFunctionPtr(f)-#define asFUNCTIONPR(f,p,r) asFunctionPtr((void (*)())((r (*)p)(f)))++#ifdef AS_C_INTERFACE+ #ifdef __cplusplus+ #define asFUNCTION(f) asFunctionPtr(f)+ #define asFUNCTIONPR(f,p,r) asFunctionPtr((void (*)())((r (*)p)(f)))+ #else+ #define asFUNCTION(f) (asFUNCTION_t)(f)+ #define asFUNCTIONPR(f, p, r) asFUNCTION(f)+ #endif+#else+ #define asFUNCTION(f) asFunctionPtr(f)+ #define asFUNCTIONPR(f,p,r) asFunctionPtr((void (*)())((r (*)p)(f)))+#endif #ifndef AS_NO_CLASS_METHODS -class asCUnknownClass;-typedef void (asCUnknownClass::*asMETHOD_t)();+class asCUnknownClass;++#ifdef __cplusplus+ typedef void (asCUnknownClass::*asMETHOD_t)();+#else+ typedef void *asMETHOD_t;+#endif struct asSFuncPtr {@@ -142,6 +361,9 @@ } ptr; asBYTE flag; // 1 = generic, 2 = global func };++#define asMETHOD(c,m) asSMethodPtr<sizeof(void (c::*)())>::Convert((void (c::*)())(&c::m))+#define asMETHODPR(c,m,p,r) asSMethodPtr<sizeof(void (c::*)())>::Convert((r (c::*)p)(&c::m)) #endif @@ -179,9 +401,11 @@ #define AS_API #endif -#ifndef ANGELSCRIPT_DLL_MANUAL_IMPORT+#ifndef ANGELSCRIPT_DLL_MANUAL_IMPORT+#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"-{+{+#endif // Engine AS_API asIScriptEngine * asCreateScriptEngine(asDWORD version); AS_API const char * asGetLibraryVersion();@@ -221,17 +445,17 @@ AS_API int asEngine_EndConfigGroup(asIScriptEngine *e); AS_API int asEngine_RemoveConfigGroup(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *groupName); AS_API int asEngine_SetConfigGroupModuleAccess(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *groupName, const char *module, bool hasAccess);- AS_API int asEngine_AddScriptSection(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *name, const char *code, int codeLength, int lineOffset = 0);+ AS_API int asEngine_AddScriptSection(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *name, const char *code, int codeLength, int lineOffset); /* lineOffset = 0 */ AS_API int asEngine_Build(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module); AS_API int asEngine_Discard(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module); AS_API int asEngine_GetFunctionCount(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module); AS_API int asEngine_GetFunctionIDByIndex(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int index); AS_API int asEngine_GetFunctionIDByName(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *name); AS_API int asEngine_GetFunctionIDByDecl(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *decl);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length = 0);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionName(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length = 0);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionModule(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length = 0);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionSection(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length = 0);+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length); /* length = 0 */+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionName(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length); /* length = 0 */+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionModule(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length); /* length = 0 */+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetFunctionSection(asIScriptEngine *e, int funcID, int *length); /* length = 0 */ AS_API const asIScriptFunction *asEngine_GetFunctionDescriptorByIndex(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int index); AS_API int asEngine_GetMethodCount(asIScriptEngine *e, int typeId); AS_API int asEngine_GetMethodIDByIndex(asIScriptEngine *e, int typeId, int index);@@ -242,19 +466,19 @@ AS_API int asEngine_GetGlobalVarIDByIndex(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int index); AS_API int asEngine_GetGlobalVarIDByName(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *name); AS_API int asEngine_GetGlobalVarIDByDecl(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *decl);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetGlobalVarDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, int gvarID, int *length = 0);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetGlobalVarName(asIScriptEngine *e, int gvarID, int *length = 0);+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetGlobalVarDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, int gvarID, int *length); /* length = 0 */+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetGlobalVarName(asIScriptEngine *e, int gvarID, int *length); /* length = 0 */ AS_API void * asEngine_GetGlobalVarPointer(asIScriptEngine *e, int gvarID); AS_API int asEngine_GetImportedFunctionCount(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module); AS_API int asEngine_GetImportedFunctionIndexByDecl(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *decl);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetImportedFunctionDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int importIndex, int *length = 0);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int importIndex, int *length = 0);+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetImportedFunctionDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int importIndex, int *length); /* length = 0 */+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int importIndex, int *length); /* length = 0 */ AS_API int asEngine_BindImportedFunction(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int importIndex, int funcID); AS_API int asEngine_UnbindImportedFunction(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, int importIndex); AS_API int asEngine_BindAllImportedFunctions(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module); AS_API int asEngine_UnbindAllImportedFunctions(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module); AS_API int asEngine_GetTypeIdByDecl(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *decl);- AS_API const char * asEngine_GetTypeDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, int typeId, int *length = 0);+ AS_API const char * asEngine_GetTypeDeclaration(asIScriptEngine *e, int typeId, int *length); /* length = 0 */ AS_API int asEngine_GetSizeOfPrimitiveType(asIScriptEngine *e, int typeId); AS_API asIObjectType * asEngine_GetObjectTypeById(asIScriptEngine *e, int typeId); AS_API asIObjectType * asEngine_GetObjectTypeByIndex(asIScriptEngine *e, asUINT index);@@ -267,9 +491,9 @@ AS_API void asEngine_ReleaseScriptObject(asIScriptEngine *e, void *obj, int typeId); AS_API void asEngine_AddRefScriptObject(asIScriptEngine *e, void *obj, int typeId); AS_API bool asEngine_IsHandleCompatibleWithObject(asIScriptEngine *e, void *obj, int objTypeId, int handleTypeId);- AS_API int asEngine_CompareScriptObjects(asIScriptEngine *e, bool &result, int behaviour, void *leftObj, void *rightObj, int typeId);+ AS_API int asEngine_CompareScriptObjects(asIScriptEngine *e, bool *result, int behaviour, void *leftObj, void *rightObj, int typeId); /* bool &result */ AS_API int asEngine_ExecuteString(asIScriptEngine *e, const char *module, const char *script, asIScriptContext **ctx, asDWORD flags);- AS_API int asEngine_GarbageCollect(asIScriptEngine *e, bool doFullCycle = true);+ AS_API int asEngine_GarbageCollect(asIScriptEngine *e, bool doFullCycle); /* doFullCycle = true */ AS_API int asEngine_GetObjectsInGarbageCollectorCount(asIScriptEngine *e); AS_API void asEngine_NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject(asIScriptEngine *e, void *obj, int typeId); AS_API void asEngine_GCEnumCallback(asIScriptEngine *e, void *obj);@@ -303,26 +527,26 @@ AS_API int asContext_Execute(asIScriptContext *c); AS_API int asContext_Abort(asIScriptContext *c); AS_API int asContext_Suspend(asIScriptContext *c);- AS_API int asContext_GetCurrentLineNumber(asIScriptContext *c, int *column = 0);+ AS_API int asContext_GetCurrentLineNumber(asIScriptContext *c, int *column); /* column = 0 */ AS_API int asContext_GetCurrentFunction(asIScriptContext *c); AS_API int asContext_SetException(asIScriptContext *c, const char *string);- AS_API int asContext_GetExceptionLineNumber(asIScriptContext *c, int *column = 0);+ AS_API int asContext_GetExceptionLineNumber(asIScriptContext *c, int *column); /* column = 0 */ AS_API int asContext_GetExceptionFunction(asIScriptContext *c);- AS_API const char * asContext_GetExceptionString(asIScriptContext *c, int *length = 0);- AS_API int asContext_SetLineCallback(asIScriptContext *c, asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv);+ AS_API const char * asContext_GetExceptionString(asIScriptContext *c, int *length); /* length = 0 */+ AS_API int asContext_SetLineCallback(asIScriptContext *c, struct asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv); AS_API void asContext_ClearLineCallback(asIScriptContext *c);- AS_API int asContext_SetExceptionCallback(asIScriptContext *c, asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv);+ AS_API int asContext_SetExceptionCallback(asIScriptContext *c, struct asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv); AS_API void asContext_ClearExceptionCallback(asIScriptContext *c); AS_API int asContext_GetCallstackSize(asIScriptContext *c); AS_API int asContext_GetCallstackFunction(asIScriptContext *c, int index);- AS_API int asContext_GetCallstackLineNumber(asIScriptContext *c, int index, int *column = 0);- AS_API int asContext_GetVarCount(asIScriptContext *c, int stackLevel = 0);- AS_API const char * asContext_GetVarName(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int *length = 0, int stackLevel = 0);- AS_API const char * asContext_GetVarDeclaration(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int *length = 0, int stackLevel = 0);- AS_API int asContext_GetVarTypeId(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int stackLevel = -1);- AS_API void * asContext_GetVarPointer(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int stackLevel = 0);- AS_API int asContext_GetThisTypeId(asIScriptContext *c, int stackLevel = -1);- AS_API void * asContext_GetThisPointer(asIScriptContext *c, int stackLevel = -1);+ AS_API int asContext_GetCallstackLineNumber(asIScriptContext *c, int index, int *column); /* column = 0 */+ AS_API int asContext_GetVarCount(asIScriptContext *c, int stackLevel); /* stackLevel = 0 */+ AS_API const char * asContext_GetVarName(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int *length, int stackLevel); /* length = 0, stackLevel = 0 */+ AS_API const char * asContext_GetVarDeclaration(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int *length, int stackLevel); /* length = 0, stackLevel = 0 */+ AS_API int asContext_GetVarTypeId(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int stackLevel); /* stackLevel = -1 */+ AS_API void * asContext_GetVarPointer(asIScriptContext *c, int varIndex, int stackLevel); /* stackLevel = 0 */+ AS_API int asContext_GetThisTypeId(asIScriptContext *c, int stackLevel); /* stackLevel = -1 */+ AS_API void * asContext_GetThisPointer(asIScriptContext *c, int stackLevel); /* stackLevel = -1 */ AS_API void * asContext_SetUserData(asIScriptContext *c, void *data); AS_API void * asContext_GetUserData(asIScriptContext *c); @@ -385,12 +609,14 @@ AS_API bool asScriptFunction_IsClassMethod(const asIScriptFunction *f); AS_API bool asScriptFunction_IsInterfaceMethod(const asIScriptFunction *f); -#endif // AS_C_INTERFACE-}+#endif // AS_C_INTERFACE+#ifdef __cplusplus+}+#endif #endif // ANGELSCRIPT_DLL_MANUAL_IMPORT // Interface declarations-+#ifdef __cplusplus class asIScriptEngine { public:@@ -700,200 +926,13 @@ public: virtual ~asIBinaryStream() {} };--// Enumerations and constants--// Engine properties-enum asEEngineProp-{- asEP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_REFERENCES = 1,- asEP_OPTIMIZE_BYTECODE = 2,- asEP_COPY_SCRIPT_SECTIONS = 3,-};--// Calling conventions-enum asECallConvTypes-{- asCALL_CDECL = 0,- asCALL_STDCALL = 1,- asCALL_THISCALL = 2,- asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST = 3,- asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST = 4,- asCALL_GENERIC = 5,-};--// Object type flags-enum asEObjTypeFlags-{- asOBJ_REF = 0x01,- asOBJ_VALUE = 0x02,- asOBJ_GC = 0x04,- asOBJ_POD = 0x08,- asOBJ_NOHANDLE = 0x10,- asOBJ_SCOPED = 0x20,- asOBJ_APP_CLASS = 0x100,- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x200,- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR = 0x400,- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT = 0x800,- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_C = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR),- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CD = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR),- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CA = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CDA = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_D = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR),- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_A = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),- asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DA = (asOBJ_APP_CLASS + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_DESTRUCTOR + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT),- asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE = 0x1000,- asOBJ_APP_FLOAT = 0x2000,- asOBJ_MASK_VALID_FLAGS = 0x3F3F,-};--// Behaviours-enum asEBehaviours-{- // Value object memory management- asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT,- asBEHAVE_DESTRUCT,-- // Reference object memory management- asBEHAVE_FACTORY,- asBEHAVE_ADDREF,- asBEHAVE_RELEASE,-- // Object operators- asBEHAVE_VALUE_CAST,- asBEHAVE_INDEX,- asBEHAVE_NEGATE,-- // Assignment operators- asBEHAVE_FIRST_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_ASSIGNMENT = asBEHAVE_FIRST_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_ADD_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_SUB_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_MUL_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_DIV_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_MOD_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_OR_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_AND_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_XOR_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_SLL_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_SRL_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_SRA_ASSIGN,- asBEHAVE_LAST_ASSIGN = asBEHAVE_SRA_ASSIGN,-- // Global operators- asBEHAVE_FIRST_DUAL,- asBEHAVE_ADD = asBEHAVE_FIRST_DUAL,- asBEHAVE_SUBTRACT,- asBEHAVE_MULTIPLY,- asBEHAVE_DIVIDE,- asBEHAVE_MODULO,- asBEHAVE_EQUAL,- asBEHAVE_NOTEQUAL,- asBEHAVE_LESSTHAN,- asBEHAVE_GREATERTHAN,- asBEHAVE_LEQUAL,- asBEHAVE_GEQUAL,- asBEHAVE_LOGIC_OR,- asBEHAVE_LOGIC_AND,- asBEHAVE_BIT_OR,- asBEHAVE_BIT_AND,- asBEHAVE_BIT_XOR,- asBEHAVE_BIT_SLL,- asBEHAVE_BIT_SRL,- asBEHAVE_BIT_SRA,- asBEHAVE_LAST_DUAL = asBEHAVE_BIT_SRA,-- // Garbage collection behaviours- asBEHAVE_FIRST_GC,- asBEHAVE_GETREFCOUNT = asBEHAVE_FIRST_GC,- asBEHAVE_SETGCFLAG,- asBEHAVE_GETGCFLAG,- asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS,- asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS,- asBEHAVE_LAST_GC = asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS,-};--// Return codes-enum asERetCodes-{- asSUCCESS = 0,- asERROR = -1,- asCONTEXT_ACTIVE = -2,- asCONTEXT_NOT_FINISHED = -3,- asCONTEXT_NOT_PREPARED = -4,- asINVALID_ARG = -5,- asNO_FUNCTION = -6,- asNOT_SUPPORTED = -7,- asINVALID_NAME = -8,- asNAME_TAKEN = -9,- asINVALID_DECLARATION = -10,- asINVALID_OBJECT = -11,- asINVALID_TYPE = -12,- asALREADY_REGISTERED = -13,- asMULTIPLE_FUNCTIONS = -14,- asNO_MODULE = -15,- asNO_GLOBAL_VAR = -16,- asINVALID_CONFIGURATION = -17,- asINVALID_INTERFACE = -18,- asCANT_BIND_ALL_FUNCTIONS = -19,- asLOWER_ARRAY_DIMENSION_NOT_REGISTERED = -20,- asWRONG_CONFIG_GROUP = -21,- asCONFIG_GROUP_IS_IN_USE = -22,- asILLEGAL_BEHAVIOUR_FOR_TYPE = -23,- asWRONG_CALLING_CONV = -24,-};--// Context states-enum asEContextState-{- asEXECUTION_FINISHED = 0,- asEXECUTION_SUSPENDED = 1,- asEXECUTION_ABORTED = 2,- asEXECUTION_EXCEPTION = 3,- asEXECUTION_PREPARED = 4,- asEXECUTION_UNINITIALIZED = 5,- asEXECUTION_ACTIVE = 6,- asEXECUTION_ERROR = 7,-};--// ExecuteString flags-enum asEExecStrFlags-{- asEXECSTRING_ONLY_PREPARE = 1,- asEXECSTRING_USE_MY_CONTEXT = 2,-};--// Message types-enum asEMsgType-{- asMSGTYPE_ERROR = 0,- asMSGTYPE_WARNING = 1,- asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION = 2,-};--// Prepare flags-const int asPREPARE_PREVIOUS = -1;--// Config groups-const char * const asALL_MODULES = (const char * const)-1;--// Type id flags-enum asETypeIdFlags-{- asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE = 0x40000000,- asTYPEID_HANDLETOCONST = 0x20000000,- asTYPEID_MASK_OBJECT = 0x1C000000,- asTYPEID_APPOBJECT = 0x04000000,- asTYPEID_SCRIPTSTRUCT = 0x0C000000,- asTYPEID_SCRIPTARRAY = 0x10000000,- asTYPEID_MASK_SEQNBR = 0x03FFFFFF,-};+#endif //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Function pointers // Use our own memset() and memcpy() implementations for better portability-inline void asMemClear(void *_p, int size)+static inline void asMemClear(void *_p, int size) { char *p = (char *)_p; const char *e = p + size;@@ -901,7 +940,7 @@ *p = 0; } -inline void asMemCopy(void *_d, const void *_s, int size)+static inline void asMemCopy(void *_d, const void *_s, int size) { char *d = (char *)_d; const char *s = (const char *)_s;@@ -911,7 +950,8 @@ } // Template function to capture all global functions,-// except the ones using the generic calling convention+// except the ones using the generic calling convention+#ifdef __cplusplus template <class T> inline asSFuncPtr asFunctionPtr(T func) {@@ -938,9 +978,10 @@ return p; }+#endif #ifndef AS_NO_CLASS_METHODS-+#ifdef __cplusplus // Method pointers // Declare a dummy class so that we can determine the size of a simple method pointer@@ -1050,6 +1091,7 @@ }; #endif+#endif // __cplusplus #endif // AS_NO_CLASS_METHODS
While we're on the subject: how would you deal with strings when interfacing with C? AngelScript offers no built-in string type (unless I'm completely oblivious) and the add_ons/scriptstring.(cpp|h) is just a wrapper for std::string.
I don't know about the strings, I guess with C callbacks. I'm still in my first steps here. I didn't know of the angelscript add_ons code yesterday when I posted this.
I now think I will create a module in C++ to manage angelscript which will only offer handles to the C program, so the module can use that addons code. Not sure yet, I'm still scratching the surface.
I don't know about the strings, I guess with C callbacks. I'm still in my first steps here. I didn't know of the angelscript add_ons code yesterday when I posted this.
I now think I will create a module in C++ to manage angelscript which will only offer handles to the C program, so the module can use that addons code. Not sure yet, I'm still scratching the surface.
I'll take this feedback and improve the C interface. I'll probably write a separate C header file rather than keeping everything in the principal header file.
As for the string type; You ought to be able to use the asBSTR type that I developed in the early days of AngelScript and that is still supported. You'll find the source code for this in the tests/test_feature/source folder.
As for the string type; You ought to be able to use the asBSTR type that I developed in the early days of AngelScript and that is still supported. You'll find the source code for this in the tests/test_feature/source folder.
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AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
For some inexplicable reason I just can't reach your site (Angelcode) for nearly two weeks running. I'm wondering if it is possible to have Angelscript mirrored anywhere else?
No no no no! :)
It's unexplicable to me too. :( I've alerted the staff that hosts my site, but so far they haven't been able to determine the cause. It seems to be their IIS server that's having some trouble.
Here's a direct link to download the latest SDK version:
You can also access the sourceforge SVN at:
Here's a direct link to download the latest SDK version:
You can also access the sourceforge SVN at:
Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
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