
I have a new dilemma. Execute Buffer of Draw Primitive?

Started by November 04, 1999 09:56 AM
3 comments, last by meganova75 25 years, 4 months ago
Learn DrawPrimitive, ExecuteBuffers are ugly, hard to learn and understand and not supported anymore.


Skullpture Entertainment

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
It's not really something you have to agonize over. Execute buffers are old and crap and on their way out. So why would you learn them? Theres a really good tutorial on Draw Primitives by Mark Feldman on the web somewhere. Just do a search and you'll find it. Also have a look at D3DX which is new to DirectX 7, which makes Immediate Mode easier to use.
Just have a look in our DirectX section. There is a link to Mark Feldman's tutorial there.
Directx 6.1 is my first directx api.
I need your opinion on which d3dim style is
more efficient for game programming, DrawPrimitive or ExecuteBuffer.

in Direct 7, execute buffers are only supported as legacy interfaces, so they are definitely a thing of the past.

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