
Geforce GT 8800 OC is Bugged...

Started by May 10, 2008 07:07 PM
9 comments, last by Cygon 16 years, 4 months ago
I always liked card from Nvidia but everyone I have ever had was bugged and the Geforce GT 8800 OC is no exception. It's awesome but there seems to be a small bug... It goes crazy for about 5 seconds in vista randomly while I'm playing a game then the screen will go black. Everything goes back to normal and vista reports that the driver had a error and reset. Does anyone know what the problem is?
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight club
Make sure you have the latest drivers.
Yeah Nvidia drivers crashed quite a bit with my 8800 vidcard when I first started using it. I even read that Microsoft was blaming Nvidia for it's poor acceptance due to the fact that like 30% of crashes were caused by Nvidia?
Anyways, I haven't had a crash on Vista for quite a long time now so maybe they finally fixed it.
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe
Quote: Original post by EmptyVoid
Everything goes back to normal and vista reports that the driver had a error and reset. Does anyone know what the problem is?

Maybe its the driver.
What brand is it? My guess is bad memory on the card, because I used to have a evga card that did that.
Black Sky A Star Control 2/Elite like game
Or maybe you got the problem I have. I got an EVGA OC:ed card. If I play Crysis with it, it overheats and goes all weird and freezes at some point. I should return it, as it doesn't handle the OC correctly. A friend with the same card lowered the clocks.

"To some its a six-pack, to me it's a support group."
Vista + nVidia = Problem

Keep updating your drivers.
Does this error occur with a specific game?
while (tired) DrinkCoffee();
Quote: Original post by MindWipe
Or maybe you got the problem I have. I got an EVGA OC:ed card. If I play Crysis with it, it overheats and goes all weird and freezes at some point. I should return it, as it doesn't handle the OC correctly. A friend with the same card lowered the clocks.


Same card (8800GT, EVGA, OC) here.

Does the fan speed up while you're playing? There used to be a bug which kept the fan speed at 29% with overheating as consequence. Normally they should have fixed that by now, but you never now.
I need RivaTuner to keep track of the temperature and change the fan speed accordingly. There's also the possibility of upgrading the GPU's BIOS.
How do I find the temperature?
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight club
Got a OC 8800 GTS here, yeah its not a GT, but I thought I would respond. I used to have a problem with either my computer's or my card's fan going ape **** and my computer rebooting after installing it (up from a 8500 which was out performed by my 7600 but thats another story). 2 bios updates and a new driver fixed it (don't know what did it though..sorry) and its been running perfect ever since. Hope you find a solution, spending good money on something just to make it crash your **** makes a imgelling go CRAZY, as I am sure you too!
my blog contains ramblings and what I am up to programming wise.
Sounds like it's overheating... Try taking the side off your PC and sitting a huge fan next to it ;)

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