
Not very much game related but check it out!

Started by May 24, 2001 10:51 AM
3 comments, last by aBsOlUt 23 years, 6 months ago
Hi all! Ok there is a new stuff out there for developers. I am working with a guy for an OS for developers. Yes you heard well. For those who remember or still have BeOS (a linux based OS) it used to be an installed program in Windows and you could execute a simple beos.exe file and switch to a whole new environment (a whole new OS). DevOS is here with almost the same procedure. 100% Memory free for developing and only. And we''ve done an online poll showing that many people suffer or can''t use old pcs to develop. So here it is! - Check the about section! (TEMPORARY HTML ADDRESS) e-mail: (firewars) icq: 63498638(absolut) or 50761632 (firewars) Thanks
Sounds intresting.... I''ll check back from time to time :-P

Alex Ford
PointSoft EA Co., Ltd.
BeOS isn''t Linux based. if it was, it''s source code would be required to be freely available, which it isn''t.

Furthermore, unless your OS is binary compatible with a major platform, this is a learning exercise for you at best. Developers target platforms where they have potential users or a potential market. If there are no "pure" users, there will be no games/applications. Observe, for example, that Linux is still struggling to establish itself in terms of commercial products such as games - because it has virtually no market. Loki and Hyperion & co port titles for the original publishers when it''s considered worth the capital expenditure, and very few retailers actually carry these titles.

Besides, Linux runs on toaster ovens (seriously) and 386s.
I assume it''s Win32 compatible?
On your about page you talk about developers today requiring a variety of applications to complete the typical project - modelers, image manipulation apps, html editors, etc. What apps are available for your OS? What apps will be available for you OS? Which of them compare, much less outclass, similar software on, say, Windows (3DS MAX, Maya, PhotoShop, ...)?

Here''s advice from the heart: can it now while you''re ahead. Go develop for Linux or FreeBSD, or even AthOS if you really want to do OS stuff.

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