
Screen shot

Started by October 30, 1999 03:22 AM
2 comments, last by Gf11speed 25 years, 4 months ago

See that little button that says print screen. Press it and then paste in your favorite image editing program.
...and I guess there isn't a smart/easy way of doing this from inside the game, i.e. create a bitmap file from screen surface?
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
I was just wondering how you save the screen to a bmp file? Screen shot? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Greg FieldsSyntasoft Gameswww.syntasoft.comPost-Time Horse Racing (Available Now)
It's not particularly easy, but what you need to do for this is find into on the BMP format ( should be able to help you here, if there aren't any MS functions to do it easily), and write the file yourself. I have a function which does this, but it saves a the 16 (or 15) bit back buffer from my program into a 24 bit Targa file. It's not very efficient, but it does the job. Converting from 16 to 24 bit is another matter, but maybe you're working with 256 colours, or BMPs can be saved in 16 bit? Anyway, it didn't take me very long to make this work, so see how you go. If you've got any further questions post them here.



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