
Is direct3d remedial mode a waste of API??

Started by October 29, 1999 05:29 PM
18 comments, last by meganova75 25 years, 4 months ago
They say RM is dead, but the Microsoft stance is it's just no longer supported. A revival by some of the original D3D members has begun under a different name independent of Microsoft. I had the URL somewhere. When I find it I'll post it.

I think learning RM is not a bad thing, and will help ease the transition into IM. Write a few small apps to get the hang of it the dig into IM to see what's under the hood.

Well it depend on what you want to do. As Aldacron syggested, RM is a good choice to make small 3d applications.

If you love math, jumping to IM might be a fun, too.

Simply be carefull to the a fake statement such as RM is dead. If RM were dead, Microsoft had not made RM for VB in DirectX Version 7. Persons who do not want people make simple 3d applications easily, will say "RM is dead." They just want to disturb competitive market in 3d industry by limiting a choice of ways of making a software. This is a typical "economic abuse."

People who think RM is dead are trying to "disturb competitive market in 3d industry by limiting a choice of ways of making a software"? Give me a break. They might be wrong, but I doubt that they have some sort of vendetta against RM.


>I doubt that they have some sort of vendetta against RM.

Well, you may be right. But even if a behavior is not intentional, it can be economic abuse.

Definition of economic abuse:

"Any action which limits other persons' ability to learn, have access to, or manage the economic resources in their life"

("intention" does not matter in the definition)

We should be responsible for any actions even if they are not intentional. This is how human rights are respected.

I do not want to discuss on this kind of things. But I am really angry about irrerspossible statements.


Definition of economic abuse:

"Any action which limits other persons' ability to learn, have access to, or manage the economic resources in their life"

How does saying something incorrect limit someones ability to learn? They can still learn whatever they wish. Nobody is stopping them. They might choose not to learn something based off a statement, but thats their decision, and nobody elses. Anyone with a brain should realize that something said on this board -- or anywhere, for that matter -- may be incorrect. It's the old rule of "Buyer beware" (or in this case, "poster beware").

I'm not looking to start a war here, but you shouldn't have an attitude that saying something incorrect is an abuse of speech or that it's completely irresponsible. I doub't anyone here would post something they know to be incorrect.


Well, the fact remains RM is not dead, no matter what people say. As I said above, Microsft has not declared it a dead API. And as Han said it is included in DX 7 for VB and C/C++. I think the term 'Dead' comes from the fact that it's no longer under development. There was a heated debate on this same topic recently on the DirectXDev mailing list.

And as far as I'm concerned it eases the pain of using D3D. The new D3DX utility library shipped with DX7 is even easier, and theoreticcally, any apps written with D3DX will be bug free (yeah right). I think the creation of D3DX also contibuted to the 'death of RM' rumor.

My point? There's no conspiracy to overthrow the use of RM. Microsoft had a rather valid reason (manpower vs. timeline) to halt development of RM and the rumors started flying. Now, when Farhenheit becomes part of D3D, that might put RM in the grave. Until that day, it's still alive and kickin'.

Man those conspiracy theories are alive again ... that really frustrates me, better go lie down.
I agree that RM is in limbo ... but it has the fundementals before you play with the big boys in IM
The official line is Direct3D Retained Mode is in maintenance mode. There will be no further updates to the API, there have not been any since DirectX 6 (a year ago.) It will not take advantage of any of the new Direct3D 7.0 features, such as HW TnL, and the underlying mechanics (immediate mode) are still the ugly pre-DX7 versions (COM interfaces for lights and materials, etc.) The only updates to Retained Mode will be bug fixes.
This is a side-note completely unrelated to the topic, but anyway:

It's funny how some people ignore the obvious supressions of free speech, and yet is capable of detecting a conspiracy in every other sentence. (I've seen this twice on this board over the past 10 days).

You can't say that an API stinks, or is dead (when it does, or is) because that's, what was the word again, "economic abuse"??

You can't get a job in the IT business, so the "lack of professional IT people" is a myth made up by evil cooperations??


"Fools follow rulez when the set commands ya!" - Feel free to flame, I'll feel free to ignore it, that's what it's all about !


There might be misunderstanding about "freedom".

If you damage or limit other persons' freedom, your freedom will be limited. There is no freedom to limit other persons' freedom. This is how our society works and the reason why freedom is not just selfish. For example,if we limit other person's physical ability by punching her/him, we will go to jail. Freedom of speach is also limited in the same way: for eaxmple, when our sexual statements causes emotional, or psychological injury, it is called "sexual abuse," and we are respensible for it.

By the way, the problem is "vague" expression of "RM is dead" in stead of clear statement of con and pro of RM. Using vague statements results in controlling other people. This is the attitude to limit other persons' freedom, and the reason why it is economic abuse.

P.S. Microsot does have the right to change its products. But, when the third party who does not own RM makes the statement, there will be a clear problem.

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