
Help with Textures in DX7

Started by October 29, 1999 03:12 PM
3 comments, last by nPawn 25 years, 4 months ago
you have to set the texel coordinates on the triangle. Did you do this? Each vertex has an additional 2 fields for texels. The coordinates range from 0 --> 1. The lower left corner of your image is 0,0 and the upper right corner is 1,1. If you wanted to map this image to a triangle you would set the texels like this(crappy triangle though):
/ \
(0,0) (1,0)

sorry kinda crappy explanation. If you don't do that, Direct3D doesn't know how to map the texture onto the geometry so you don't see it.


Ahh thanks, i saw no mention of this in the docs i'll have to look a bit harder. I'll go give it a try right now.
Yep, you were right, now i just wonder how i'm going to apply a single texture to several triangles, that looks like it might get ugly doing it this way...?
I'm trying to do the simple task of adding a texture to a triangle in DX7. I've loaded up the image just fine, into a LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 as a texture, I then use the SetTexture command right before i call drawprimitive yes the triangle doesn't get textured, it just remains the color of the material that i set. Here's a snippet of code:

hResult = g3d.m_pDevice->SetTexture( 0, lpSurface); //set the texture here, works just fine
if (hResult != D3D_OK)
ErrorSys.Log("SetTexture failed",hResult,false,true);
hResult = g3d.m_pDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, D3DFVF_VERTEX, objTriangle.m_pVertex_List, objTriangle.m_dwVertex_Count, NULL ); //drawprimitive works just fine

the only difference i see is that in my code i use D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST instead of D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP like the tutorials, but even if i use trianglestrip it makes no difference i still get the bland triangle. The only thing i can think of is that because my texture isn't the same size of my triangle it doesn't "fit" on maybe, i'm just trying to apply one of the example textures from the tutorias. Any suggestions of where to look, everything seems to be working, no error codes at all, just no texture, so i must be missing something simple along the way.

all you need is to write a function that figures out the dimensions of your object and automatically sets up the texels for you. One way to do it for linear texture projections(ie. say we're putting a texture on the wall of a building that is made up of 10x10 vertices, each of which needs texel coords). When you load your object, go through all the vertices and figure out the max/min displacements for the wall on the two axes perpendicular to the surface normal. Since you know that you want (0,0) on the lower right hand part of the wall and (1,1) on the upper left part, you need to visit each vertex again and give it a value from 0-->1 based on it's percentage of the way from max-->min. ie. if it is 95% of the way from min to max on the X axis, you would give it 0.95 as a texel coordinate for X, if the same vertex was only 20% of the way from min to max on the Y axis, you would give it 0.20 as a texel coord for the Y axis. You can come up with some simple formulas to go through all your vertices and do this.


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