First, you should definately do an RPG. That was such a dramatic and well-told story that it sounded like it would be in a game^^
The way I came into the game programming world started a long tmie ago. I knew I wanted to make games back when I was about 10 or so (I''m going on 18 in 5 months (seems like everybody here''s 17...)), but hadn''t really designed any yet. Then when I got my N64, started planning some 3D games. I came up with a racing game, a Mario64-type adventure, and a battle game where you run around like in Mario64, and can pick up pretty much anything you can find and build things like catapults and forts (to hide in and throw stuff at other people). I didn''t get a computer until 2 or so years later though. Then when I was 15 I took my first programming class. After that, I still had no idea how to make a game, so I took another one, which I didn''t do as good in, but learned a lot more from. After a few months, I started studying the DirectX sample programs on MSDN, and a few more months later, started coding a game engine. Of course, I was still learning most of it as I went, but it seems to be faster to learn by doing instead of just reading. Once I got pretty far into that, I started using D3D for my blitting, so I could use hardware rotation/alpha-blending. Then DirectX8 came out, so I decided to convert my engine to use that, which didn''t really work, and I thought I accidentally covered my DX7 version with a copy of the 8 one (I had one folder for the DX7 version, one backup of DX8, and one DX8 to work on), but I actually just had the DX7 and DX8 folders switched. Of course, I didn''t notice until I already gave up on making DX8 work and had a new non-DirectX engine well underway. That''s what I''m currently working on, and having a lot of fun (but slow progress) doing.
Hope that story wasn''t too long and boring. I wasn''t planning on it being that big^^
Anyway, never give up on your dream. I can tell you from personal experience that it''s possible, even if you have no idea what you''re doing for the first year or so^^ The hard part is sticking with it that long.
DK Art (my site, which has little programming-related stuff on it, but you should go anyway^_^)