
Weird Win32s question

Started by May 19, 2001 01:37 PM
2 comments, last by adtheice 23 years, 8 months ago
I know there is a tutorial on removing the message pump but it causes the mouse to turn into a hourglass. Now my question is if I use DirectInput will I be able to fix this and use my own cursors????
Smile, it won't let you live longer, but it is funny when they die with a smile.
I think you can use your own cursors even without directx
God saw all that he had made. Shit happens sometimes. --the sixth day.
In windows you can try responding to the WM_SETCURSOR message to set your own cursor. You can use the API LoadCursor/SetCursor, but that will get reset as soon as you leave the window and you will have to do it again.

in directx, I think you want to create a small surface and draw your mouse cursor shape onto it, and then track the direct input mouse with it.


Doug Sutherland
No, No, I mean the tutorial on Gamedev about removing the message pump works but it has the side effect of making it impossible to use a cursor it always gives me the hourglass cursor wether I use SetCursor() or not. Can I use DirectInput to poll the mouse even though I have turned it off? (I then would draw my own on the back buffer and so forth)
Smile, it won't let you live longer, but it is funny when they die with a smile.

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