never mind guys, I figured out why the ''@'' thing was happening. I had a test printf("") statement and it was printing the character before the descripiton printed, it just occured to me, hehe. Thx for the help tho
I would just like to say that it''s truly refreshing to see a newcomer here starting at a sane learning level for his current programming skills, and being so polite. *smile* G''luck and keep it up.
~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
Thx for the compliment and for wishing me well. I''m pretty sick and tired of hearing n00b game programmers talking about how they want to code the next HL engine or something along those lines. I chose this text base game because I just finished a book on C and I decided to try and implement all of its features to prove to myself that I knew it well enough to move on to c++. Its been great fun to. My project is slowly getting bigger and bigger and turning into a complete text based game engine