
How do I test bit 31?

Started by May 14, 2001 06:42 AM
0 comments, last by gimp 23 years, 9 months ago
I''ve read in MSDN that a certain keyboard shows call shows the keypress state by testing bit 31 of the lparam. Apparently a define lists it as KF_UP. MSDN says this(Search string : Keystroke Message Flags) Previous Key-State Flag The previous key-state flag indicates whether the key that generated the keystroke message was previously up or down. It is 1 if the key was previously down and 0 if the key was previously up. You can use this flag to identify keystroke messages generated by the keyboard''s automatic repeat feature. This flag is set to 1 for WM_KEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYDOWN keystroke messages generated by the automatic repeat feature. It is always set to 0 for WM_KEYUP and WM_SYSKEYUP messages. Transition-State Flag The transition-state flag indicates whether pressing a key or releasing a key generated the keystroke message. This flag is always set to 0 for WM_KEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages; it is always set to 1 for WM_KEYUP and WM_SYSKEYUP messages. So I need to determine: 1) Is the keypress a silly repeat that I need to ignore? 2) Is the keypress event for Pressed or Released. I attempted this but I seem to have an error in my test as when I press a key I get 2 Pressed events:
	if ((lparam & KF_REPEAT) == 1)
		return CallNextHookEx(s_KeyboardHook, code, wparam, lparam);

	CWin32Event NewEvent;
	NewEvent.Type = wparam;

	if ((lparam & KF_UP) == 0) // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

		NewEvent.State = CWin32Event::PRESSED;
		NewEvent.State = CWin32Event::RELEASED;
I''ve highlighted the potentially offending code. Is this the correct way of testing a bit? Many thanks Chris
Chris Brodie
The MSDN for WM_KEYDOWN says it is the 14th bit. Dunno if KS_UP is the right one. I always get burned by this because it is different in the mfc OnKeyDown (I think it is 31st bit there) Thanks alot MS!


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