
Lines in RM

Started by October 11, 1999 01:58 PM
-1 comments, last by 25 years, 4 months ago

I'm using Direct3DRM (I know what you are all about to say, I'll switch to IM soon) and I'm trying to draw lines, that (when drawn) are one pixel in width (it doesn't matter if its 2, as long as I can see the entire line even if it moves away from the camera to a distance where its not visible).

I did think about loading a mesh that is a line but that does not serve the purpose. To give you an idea, what I'm trying to do is show a representation of our Solar System (without anything moving). And I'm trying to show the orbits by using an oval for each orbit. Of course I could do this in DirectDraw, however, I'm trying to allow the user to change the perspective of how we're seeing the solar System. So they can rotate or scale this Solar System in any way they want to make it better visible.

Please help,

thanks in advance

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